Help keep Blaydon Men's Shed going
Donation protected
The Blaydon Shed is an independent Men's Shed in Gateshead, in the North east of England. We are not associated with any government agency or external agency/charity. My husband and I set this up as private citizens.
We opened in March 2016 and now have 72 men as members. We provide a safe, non- judgemental and relaxed space for men to be themselves in. They can learn new skills, improve on existing ones and share skills with other men, we have a computer, a dartboard, a fully kitted workshop and a crafting room and the men can do as much or as little as they like. Some come for a cuppa and a chat, some come to work on woodworking projects, recycling projects, renovation of furniture and electronics amongst many others. We have a Men's Issues Liaison Officer too for any men wanting support or a friendly ear to talk to in confidentiality.
We have seen men at the Shed with a variety of issues from anxiety & depression to male victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and men who have tried to take their own lives. We have men there who look after terminally ill wives and children and men who are alone in the world and need the company and friendly support the Shed offers. The Shed is run entirely by volunteers and we've received a few chunks of funding to date which have greatly helped us cover our expenses so far as well as paying for new tools and equipment.
For nearly 2 years now, my husband and I have sunk every penny we have into the Shed. We are struggling now admittedly as costs continue to rise and bills keep on coming. We have made many personal financial sacrifices so we could keep funding the Shed and buy necessary tools and equipment, such is our dedication, passion and commitment to the Blaydon Shed.
Anything raised here will pay our rent and bills at the Shed and go directly towards keeping the Shed open. It's as simple as that. It will help us pay our volunteers travel costs and lunch, something most volunteers take for granted but would be a massive deal to us as we cannot currently pay those. Our volunteers work very hard and funds raised here will enable us to open an extra day a week and allow more men to make use of the Shed.
In a time where male suicide is at an all time high, we need Sheds. Men need their own spaces and to be around other men. The Shed gives men that. Please, if you can, help us to help more men and to be there for them. Help us to continue to provide vital services and facilities for men.
We offer technology support to our members, CV and job seeking support, a friendly shoulder to talk to and company for men experiencing social isolation and loneliness. No one else is actively helping our men out there.
At our Shed, MEN MATTER and always will. As long as we can stay open.
We also run a community minded project of our own creation called the Blaydon Shed Swap Station whereby we take in furniture, equipment and materials and those we cannot use ourselves, we give to individuals, small local businesses and charities in need in exchange for a swapping of goods or a small cash donation. We have to date helped some national charities, local regneration groups, small new enterprises locally and individuals with home based businesses and generated £1200 income for us in only 8 months since opening.
Funds raised here will also help keep the Swap Station running by paying volunteer costs and will help us help more people in the community. Thank you for reading and we extend a cordial invitation to come and visit our Shed to anyone who donates.
The Blaydon Shed
Find us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blaydonshed/
Fiona Teasdale