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Help Kit Cover Their Expenses

Donativo protegido
Updated January 10th, 2019

I’ve been a disability rights activist since 2013. I’ve written a lot under the handle kpagination. I'm multiply-disabled: I'm autistic, have bipolar-NOS, generalized anxiety, C-PTSD, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, POTS, and a possible mTBI from 2016.

I've always been disabled, but the effects have been amplified by adulting (and possible mTBI), largely without direct support. It sort-of worked for a while, but my chronic pain, fatigue, and brain fog increased; my mental health declined. I crashed in late 2016 and didn't really recover. 

My health issues continued to go downhill until I had to quit my job in Jan. 2019. I’m applying for benefits like temporary disability cash assistance, food benefits, SSDI, housing and rental assistance, etc.  I want to take care of my cat, who is my best friend, and pay my bills.

So, I’m asking for help: The cat needs prescription food and antibiotics for a sinus infection. I need to see doctors and pay for my meds (fortunately I am on Medicaid so I do have health coverage). I also have to buy groceries and pay rent, though I have been fortunate to have some friends helping me some.

Thanks again for reading, boosting, and/or donating! I (and the cat) appreciate it :)


Kit Mead
Baltimore, MD

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