Please Help my Remy
On Nov 27, 2016; Sun after Thanksgiving, Rem (my Greyhound baby boy) and I decided to go to the apartment dog park for some quality off leash ball chasing time. We got two feet into the park when 3 dogs ran up us to play... they didn't want to play. They instead tore into my boy, luckily the owner was able to pull the main agressor off and I was able to shield him from the other two with a few well placed kicks and a lot of yelling. I took him to emergency that night not yet realizing the extent of his injuries. They sent me home with the words "come back tomorrow to pick him up, he may be sore so you may want to stay home with him and the wounds may be seeping, so get a baby gate"... so i did that. Monday morning I borrowed the baby gate, cleaned the kitchen (so he could seep on the linolium instead of the carpet) and set off to get my boy. Fast forward to now and he still hasn't come home.
He received about 10 bites from 3 dogs in those 30 seconds that seemed to last a lifetime. Bites are mostly on his rear legs, chest and neck. One of those bites came way too close to his jugular, doc told me if the dog had been bigger or stronger I would have lost Remy right there in the dog park.
Here's what's happening as of 12/1/16 (will post updates when available)
-Initial wound care of the bites (clipping torn or dead skin and stitches, approx 50 stitches)
-Tramatic Rhabdomyolysis (muscle damage releases a protien harmful to the kidneys, could cause death / permanent kidney damage)
-Wounds have gone Septic (infected, wounds have started to turn black at the stitches and are seeping)
-Platelet count is down to 20k (should be between 170k - 400k)
-D.I.C. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (possible cause of the low platelet issue)
-Edema (severe swelling connected to fluids due to infection)
-Recurring fever, from the infection
-Attached to IV for fluids, dextrose and medications
His care has cost $6,031.16 as of today. Vet says he still has more time to spend in their ICU at approx $1,000.00 per day.
He retired from the tracks only last year, his retirement hasn't been nearly long enough and he has way more balls to chase.....
Thank you for taking the time to hear Remy's story.
Any help that you can give would be appreciated.
Remy's human
If you'd like to donate directly, Remy is at....
VCA Metroplex Animal Hospital
[phone redacted]
Acct #37765
he's at VCA Metroplex Animal