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** See update** Help replace Nick’s Beloved

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** Update 8-18-19: I want to let people know that because of a clerical error Nick’s Motorcycle insurance had lapsed unbeknownst to him and he wasn’t covered when his beloved bike was stolen! (Can happen when you are a small business owner working 70 hours a week to help us keep our fur babies clean and cut! And also helping others when needed! )

Therefore he will have no insurance coverage to replace his bike!

PLEASE PLEASE consider helping him replace his bike...

I know that Nick is a proud man and really doesn’t like the idea of me trying to raise money for him but he is always so kind and generous and helpful to many. This is why I am trying to repay him for his kindness and heart of gold!

He is an amazing soul who didn’t deserve to have his beloved bike stolen in the first place!

I started this fund so that I, along with his other friends, family and others could give back to him as he so readily gives to others!

If we can get 250 people to donate 20.00 each we will meet the goal I set up. I know it’s not even a fraction of what he had invested in his bike but it will help him get a start!

My  name is Ann McGrath and I am Nick Taylor’s cousin. Nick is the owner of South Paw Grooming in SSP.  

Nick’s kind and compassionate soul benefits all of the people and animals he comes in contact with beyond words! He is someone you can depend on and call for help and he will be there!

He is someone who goes above and beyond for not only his customers but his family, friends, acquaintances and anybody really ! 

On 8/8 between 1am and 6am someone stole Nick’s beloved motorcycle! This was his baby that he invested many hours and money in to customize.  The time and money he had invested in his baby is well more than insurance will cover! 

This was his get away from the long hours he works at his dog grooming business making all his customer’ fur babies clean and looking their best ! Riding his Harley brought him joy and peace! 

I am doing this campaign to raise money to help him get a new bike so that he can do what he loves ( besides always helping everyone!) and that is ride his Harley! 

Now I know Nick is going to be upset that I am doing this because he is someone who works hard for all he has and he is proud but I will deal with that when he calls me ( which I imagine will be very soon after posting this!)

I am doing this this because he is someone who is more deserving than most! This is the opportunity for people to show their love, support and appreciation to someone who is so kind, giving, helpful and amazing! 


All money net will go directly to Nick!


Ann McGrath
Woodbury, MN

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