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Lauren Hayes' Recovery

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This past week while on spring break vacation out of the country Lauren was in a boating accident due to negligence of the boat crew ultimately resulting in a serious skull fracture. Lauren has been admitted to Hospital Galenia in Cancun where she is currently in the ICU receiving treatment. Fortunately, two of Lauren’s best friends have been at the hospital the entire time and her father flew in within 24 hours to also be by her side. 

There is no real way to tell when Lauren will be in the condition to leave the hospital and return to the states. As you can imagine, the medical bills and accomodation expenses are piling up everyday and the policies at Mexican hospitals require bills to be paid upfront.

It is heartbreaking to all of Lauren’s family and friends who know her as a driven young woman that is two months short of finishing her college career graduating with a dual degree in Marketing and Communication. Any little bit will help Lauren receive the medical treatment she needs and allow her to return home as safely and as soon as possible.

Once our efforts are completed on this page, Elena, Lauren's mother will be in charge of handling these funds.

On behalf of Lauren’s friends and family, we thank you for the support.

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Carly Johnson
Lynnfield, MA
Lauren Hayes

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