Whistleblower Pete Peterson
Donation protected
Pete Peterson is a well-known figure in the Exopolitics, Full Disclosure Project, and Stillness In The Storm communities. As one of the most important whistleblowers of our era who has shared with us a wealth of information via David Wilcock's narrative, multiple members of our communities would like to show Pete that we stand with him in lieu of the recent events, which took place at his home.
Two weeks after two Cosmic Disclosure episodes featuring Pete aired on Gaia TV, without any explanation, armed policemen surrounded and entered into Pete's home, taking everything he owns (including tools, equipment, and his mother's and wife's ashes) to be buried into a bulldozed hole. Pete was threatened and guaranteed 90 days in jail if he came within a mile of the dump site. Simultaneous seizure of his truck and trailer have left him without transportation.
Pete's voice message to David Wilcock was aired during David's recent interview with Jimmy Church on Fade To Black radio show (~1:05:00 ).
Pete has been one of the most crucial whistleblowers who has validated information from the Secret Space Program whistleblowers and experiencers.
Pete comes from a long line of inventors, including his grandfather who was Tesla's right-hand engineer at the Colorado laboratory. Known as "Mr. Do" by President Ronald Regan, he is one of the top scientists, technology problem solvers, and is widely considered as the single most valuable and prolific inventor whose inventions remain highly classified.
Pete worked directly with top neocons like Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld and ended up having a change of heart that led to his coming forward. He felt he had "mud on the wheel of his karma." (source)
Pete helped design some of the craft and other technologies that the Secret Space Program uses. This included advanced computer chips that are far more powerful than anything we have in the commercial world, featuring photon-based transistors instead of those using electrons.
In addition, he worked on projects which concentrated on the infinite potential of consciousness in relation to physical form:
Pete was also involved in a program in which the nervous system was mapped out to meticulous detail. He discovered that we have a dimple in the middle of each shoulder blade where a huge cluster of nerve fibers all intersect before going up to the brain. He said this serves no practical purpose for the body, other than that it feels terrific when the area is massaged. The nerve clusters were thought to be a product of intelligent genetic tinkering with the human body, such as by extraterrestrials. Pete and his insiders feel we were meant to use these areas once we learned how to access them. Special energetic fields can pump visual information, words, and thoughts directly into the brain through these areas which they call "ports". (source)
Pete's recent coming forward with this classified information is a positive step toward full disclosure. This technology has the potential to catapult our world and consciousness into a whole new level of being where truth and peace reign. Rather than spending our most precious moments of life memorizing so-called "facts" in an ineffective educational system, we could instead use that time to come together as a community, to create and build compassionate and peaceful endeavors, to meditate and improve ourselves, and to serve this universe and one another on even greater levels.
Please, let Pete know that we as a community support him by making a donation to help him with unexpected expenses.
All proceeds will go directly to Pete Peterson via David Wilcock. For more information on Pete, please visit True Disclosure or Pete's Gaia TV interviews.
For updates on Pete's story, please visit David's blog on Divine Cosmos.
For the GoFundMe Team:
1. I am a member of the above mentioned communities who has become acquainted with whistleblower Pete Peterson through David Wilcock's The Ascension Mysteries and GAIA TV interviews. While listening to David's interview with Jimmy Church, and hearing what has been happening to Pete, I and other members felt compelled to help Pete with any of his expenses and/or debts through personal monetary gift donations. We are extremely grateful to GoFundMe for allowing us to do so through their platform. Up to this point, I have never corresponded with David or Pete.
2. After our correspondences, we have made plans for the funds to be directly deposited into Pete's bank account. As Pete is not computer savvy and does not own a computer, he has authorized David to arrange the transfer of funds. Once this is completed, Pete will make a public statement acknowledging that he has received the funds. I will not receive any compensation or funds meant for Pete.
Two weeks after two Cosmic Disclosure episodes featuring Pete aired on Gaia TV, without any explanation, armed policemen surrounded and entered into Pete's home, taking everything he owns (including tools, equipment, and his mother's and wife's ashes) to be buried into a bulldozed hole. Pete was threatened and guaranteed 90 days in jail if he came within a mile of the dump site. Simultaneous seizure of his truck and trailer have left him without transportation.
Pete's voice message to David Wilcock was aired during David's recent interview with Jimmy Church on Fade To Black radio show (~1:05:00 ).
Pete has been one of the most crucial whistleblowers who has validated information from the Secret Space Program whistleblowers and experiencers.
Pete comes from a long line of inventors, including his grandfather who was Tesla's right-hand engineer at the Colorado laboratory. Known as "Mr. Do" by President Ronald Regan, he is one of the top scientists, technology problem solvers, and is widely considered as the single most valuable and prolific inventor whose inventions remain highly classified.
Pete worked directly with top neocons like Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld and ended up having a change of heart that led to his coming forward. He felt he had "mud on the wheel of his karma." (source)
Pete helped design some of the craft and other technologies that the Secret Space Program uses. This included advanced computer chips that are far more powerful than anything we have in the commercial world, featuring photon-based transistors instead of those using electrons.
In addition, he worked on projects which concentrated on the infinite potential of consciousness in relation to physical form:
Pete was also involved in a program in which the nervous system was mapped out to meticulous detail. He discovered that we have a dimple in the middle of each shoulder blade where a huge cluster of nerve fibers all intersect before going up to the brain. He said this serves no practical purpose for the body, other than that it feels terrific when the area is massaged. The nerve clusters were thought to be a product of intelligent genetic tinkering with the human body, such as by extraterrestrials. Pete and his insiders feel we were meant to use these areas once we learned how to access them. Special energetic fields can pump visual information, words, and thoughts directly into the brain through these areas which they call "ports". (source)
Pete's recent coming forward with this classified information is a positive step toward full disclosure. This technology has the potential to catapult our world and consciousness into a whole new level of being where truth and peace reign. Rather than spending our most precious moments of life memorizing so-called "facts" in an ineffective educational system, we could instead use that time to come together as a community, to create and build compassionate and peaceful endeavors, to meditate and improve ourselves, and to serve this universe and one another on even greater levels.
Please, let Pete know that we as a community support him by making a donation to help him with unexpected expenses.
All proceeds will go directly to Pete Peterson via David Wilcock. For more information on Pete, please visit True Disclosure or Pete's Gaia TV interviews.
For updates on Pete's story, please visit David's blog on Divine Cosmos.
For the GoFundMe Team:
1. I am a member of the above mentioned communities who has become acquainted with whistleblower Pete Peterson through David Wilcock's The Ascension Mysteries and GAIA TV interviews. While listening to David's interview with Jimmy Church, and hearing what has been happening to Pete, I and other members felt compelled to help Pete with any of his expenses and/or debts through personal monetary gift donations. We are extremely grateful to GoFundMe for allowing us to do so through their platform. Up to this point, I have never corresponded with David or Pete.
2. After our correspondences, we have made plans for the funds to be directly deposited into Pete's bank account. As Pete is not computer savvy and does not own a computer, he has authorized David to arrange the transfer of funds. Once this is completed, Pete will make a public statement acknowledging that he has received the funds. I will not receive any compensation or funds meant for Pete.
Organizer and beneficiary
Coco Luau
Pasadena, CA
Gary Peterson