Help the Panthy Family
Hello, our names are Abigail Schletzbaum, Benjamin Honeycutt, Connor Janzen, and Garrett Wilkinson, we serve as directors for the Open World Cause. A non-profit 501c3 that's partnered with the TriKa school in Nepal. This school is operated by Govinda and Sudha Panthy, and serves a vulnerable population of students from the Naryanapur region in Nepal.
This spring, we were heartbroken to learn that Sudha and her daughter Swachalika encountered significant health problems. Sudha was diagnosed an eye infection that necessitated extended treatments in India, while Swachalika began to have stomach pain in February. After multiple trips to the doctor, Swachalika has tested positive for Typhoid fever. The medical expenses for Swachalika and Sudha have put incredible strain on the Panthy family.
In our experience, we have never met people who have made a greater impact in our world than the Panthy family. Govinda and Sudha started the SAV School in 1998. The SAV School served a vulnerable population of children who never had access to education in the community. Despite facing massive resistance from upper class folks in the Bageshrowi region, Govinda and Sudha continued the school and helped educate hundreds of students who would not have had access to it otherwise. Many students from the SAV School are now attending college to become doctors, social workers, and careers in comparable fields. A direct result of the impact of Govinda and Sudha. Swachalika is now a 16 year old student who dreams to be a social worker that helps young women in Nepal. Swachalika recently passed her exams to continue her education and was on her way to pursuing her dream of attending a University in the United States.
Govinda and Sudha are now operating the TriKa school in the Narayanpur area in Nepal. They work with students from an even more vulnerable background than the students they worked with in Bageshrowi, this includes students from the untouchable cast and members of the indigenous Tharu population. The medical costs of Sudha and Swachalika’s illnesses have put great strain on the school and Swachalika’s studies and your support will help make a massive impact to people who deserve it the most.
Scroll below for a complete cost breakdown provided by Govinda Panthy, any donations that go above what Govinda’s asking will go toward potential future treatments and the continued operation of the TriKa School.
Transportation (Buses/Airfare): $600
Blood Tests/X-Rays/Ultrasounds: $1250
Medicines/Medical Equipment: $1145
Doctors Fees/Registration: $1000
Hospital Bed and stay charge: $475
Caretaker expenses: $520
Total: $4,990
We are asking for $6,500 to cover potential medical costs in the future, this will also cover GFM fees as well. Any additional donations will go toward the continued operation of the school.
Please consider helping people who have dedicated their lives to helping others.
Many students from the SAV School are now attending college to become doctors, social workers, and careers in comparable fields. A direct result of the impact of Govinda and Sudha. Below, Saroj Kafle, one of the 11 students in SAV's first class, discusses what their teaching meant to him. Today, he is pursuing his PhD in Chemistry at University of Missouri--St. Louis.
Govinda’s daughter Swachalika is 16-year-old student who dreams to be a social worker who helps young women in Nepal. She has helped take the lead in our work with the Days for Girls initiative and has done incredible work. Swachalika recently passed her exams to continue her education and was on her way to pursuing her dream of attending a university in the United States.
Govinda and Sudha are now operating the TriKA school in Narayanpur, Nepal. Many of the students who attend TriKA are from an even more vulnerable background than the students Govinda and Sudha worked with in Bageshwori. Many children from the Dalit--also known as “untouchable”--caste and members of the indigenous Tharu population rely on TriKA to receive an education.
(Left to Right) Govinda, Swachalika and Sudha.
Thank you,
Abigail Schletzbaum, Ben Honeycutt, Connor Janzen and Garrett Wilkinson of the Open World Team.