Help us with all our furbabies
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Im rasing money to benifit my family. Im on a fixed income . i have 15 dogs 7 cats 2 rabbits 2 turtles 5 parakeets 1 silkie a husband and a 82 year old mother in law. The home needs alot of work from plumbing to wiring to floring to painting etc. Although my husband quit drinking 5 years ago he has cirrhosis of the liver. We struggle monthly to make ends meet. For our family. While my father in law was alive my sister-in-law took out a reverse mortgage on the home. She was her father's payee . no one knows what happened to the money . my mother in law thinks she has to sell the house to pay off the loan. But she should have money still. Unfortunately she never seen the money. Im pleaing with people everywhere. To help us either to pay the reverse mortgage and fix the home or help us to get a sutable home for us to continue to care for our babies and one another. Most of them just showed up abandoned abused starving alone no chip no home . my hearts huge id save them all if i could. Considering we could afford bills and taxes we just need a helping hand to make it before God calls my husband or my mother-in-law home. I believe in God and i know some how he will make a way when there seems to be no way. Please if you find it in your heart to help us God will reward you he sees everthing . please bless us that we may continue to be a blessing to all our babies. Thank you kindly for reading . i hope and pray to hear from you soon . God bless you all in Jesus name amen
Sydell Norma Rodriguez
Austin, TX