Foto principale della raccolta fondi

Help with Connors medical expenses

Donazione protetta
This is Connor, our adorable 11 month old nephew. He was visiting Disney World with his parents and 3 year old sister when he suddenly started vomiting blood. He was rushed to the Arnold Palmer Children’s Hospital in Orlando Fl where he has been in the ICU since Tuesday March 5th. He has had multiple blood transfusions, was intubated, and sedated for testing.  The doctors have been unable to figure out what is causing the pulmonary hemorrhage (bleeding lungs).  They need to airlift him to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to hopefully figure out what is causing this issue. They are still uncertain what to expect moving forward and anticipate high medical costs, extended time off work, and lodging expenses. Any financial assistance you are able to offer would be greatly appreciated by the Mazza family in their time of need. Let’s help them focus on getting Connor home for his first birthday in two weeks. March 29th


  • Ashley Boyle
    • 20 $
    • 6 anni
  • Maryann Szalecki
    • 100 $
    • 6 anni
  • Claudia Santos
    • 20 $
    • 6 anni
  • Dumorex Racine
    • 15 $
    • 6 anni
  • Jaime Hoffmann
    • 20 $
    • 6 anni

Team di raccolta fondi: Connor boy (2)

Kelly Ries
Hillside, NJ
Kristy Mazza
Logan Ries
Partecipante del team

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