Help with Harper's funeral
On September 23, 2017 Harper was left with her father while her mother worked and during those hours he beat his daughter and shook her so violently that her brain swelled. She was rushed to the hospital and they found her brain was bleeding. They had to cu. t her head open to release the pressure from her brain. She was given brain activity tests and declared her brain dead. Hannah has decided to donate Harper's organs so she can live on through another child. Her death was not in vain. She will be a hero to as many children as she can help. Her mother is only 21 and Harper was only 2 months old. She did not have life insurance on her because no one would think this could happen to you, until it does. Harper's father is nothing but a murderous monster. Hannah will need all the help she can get to make sure Harper can have a proper funeral. No mother should have to bury her child. With this fund i hope we can help with the funeral costs. Anything will help. Thank you very much.
I am Hannah's aunt. Her money will be given to her by me. She is very local to me. 100% of all donations will be used for Harper's funeral. No one will profit from this campaign. Harper is Hannah's only daughter. We both are from Archdale, NC. I will be withdrawing the money and bringing it to Hannah myself.