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Help Eva Plays Dead

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I've known Eva Plays Dead for a number of years now. In fact, I've known them since they were Bury The Ladybird. They have come a long way, both as individuals & as a band. Quite simply, they started with a dream & have since worked their arses off to make that dream happen. Over the years, I've had the awesome pleasure of seeing their music evolve & to have been a part of their journey in my own way. I'm so proud of where they are today & honoured to them all individually.
So, why have I set up this page? Well sadly bad things happen to nice people. I found out earlier that Eva Plays Dead have had most of their gear stolen from their van. Why? That's anybody's guess. However, they don't deserve this.
They have given up so much to get this far. Last year, when they had van troubles, they manged to get it sorted thanks to all their fans. They got slated for turning to their fans for help but what the trolls didn't realise is that the fans wanted to help anyway. Now, more than ever, Eva Plays Dead need our help. To get their gear back, to keep them going, to show whoever did this that Eva Plays Dead fans are a family...& family sticks together.
Please give whatever you can. It doesn't have to be a lot. Even if you can't give, just sharing this page & highlighting what's happened is a lot.
Thank you heaps in advance.

Si  > : )

For more info about what happened, click here: https://www.facebook.com/EvaPlaysDead/videos/1259952340704164/


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