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Help #INeedDiverseGames grow

Spende geschützt
#INeedDiverseGames is just over a year old! We want to do more to serve the community. Doing that takes money, especially if we want to grow into a 503c Non-Profit organization.

We want to be able to take donations and turn them into opportunities for the marginalized folks in the gaming community such as travel grants, covering registration for events such as IndieCade, GDC, IDGA memberships and more.

We also want to be able to assist others in their work outside of the scope of Patreon or other assistance. So this is a one time ask to make a future of assisting the gaming community for a better, more diverse future for all of us.


  • Lynnea Glasser
    • $20
    • 9 yrs


Tanya DePass
Chicago, IL

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt