Pomozimo Srbiji! / Help flooded Serbia!
Donation protected
A group of Serbs from San Francisco Bay Area collecting donations for the relief of the worst flooding catastrophe to ever hit Serbia.
Your generous donations will go to the Red Cross of Serbia, upon the completion of the fundraiser. More info bellow!
Thank you!!!
Srbiju su pogodile nezapamcene poplave u proteklih nekoliko dana. Hiljade ljudi je evakuisano, mnogi su i dalje ugrozeni, a steta se meri milionima dolara.
Ukoliko ste u mogucnosti, pomozite Srbiji da se oporavi od najvece prirodne katastrofe koja ju je ikad zahvatila tako sto cete donirati novac ili podeliti stranicu sa sto vecim brojem ljudi (ili oba).
Novac koji sakupimo ce biti prosledjen Crvenom krstu, koji vec danima radi na spasavanju ljudi, i koji ce nastaviti da pomaze najugrozenijima u oporavku nakon poplava.
VAZNO: Ovo je za uplate iz inostranstva
Serbia has been affected by the greatest flooding disaster ever. Thousands have been evacuated from flooded areas, thousands have lost everything, and monetary damages are measured in milions of dollars.
If you can, PLEASE HELP SERBIA recover by donating to our page, and that money will then go to the Serbian Red Cross who has been helping and will continue to help the ones in need throughout this catastrophe. Or, share the page with as many people as you possibly can.
Thank you!
Your generous donations will go to the Red Cross of Serbia, upon the completion of the fundraiser. More info bellow!
Thank you!!!
Srbiju su pogodile nezapamcene poplave u proteklih nekoliko dana. Hiljade ljudi je evakuisano, mnogi su i dalje ugrozeni, a steta se meri milionima dolara.
Ukoliko ste u mogucnosti, pomozite Srbiji da se oporavi od najvece prirodne katastrofe koja ju je ikad zahvatila tako sto cete donirati novac ili podeliti stranicu sa sto vecim brojem ljudi (ili oba).
Novac koji sakupimo ce biti prosledjen Crvenom krstu, koji vec danima radi na spasavanju ljudi, i koji ce nastaviti da pomaze najugrozenijima u oporavku nakon poplava.
VAZNO: Ovo je za uplate iz inostranstva
Serbia has been affected by the greatest flooding disaster ever. Thousands have been evacuated from flooded areas, thousands have lost everything, and monetary damages are measured in milions of dollars.
If you can, PLEASE HELP SERBIA recover by donating to our page, and that money will then go to the Serbian Red Cross who has been helping and will continue to help the ones in need throughout this catastrophe. Or, share the page with as many people as you possibly can.
Thank you!
Andjelina Jovanovic
Oakland, CA