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NICU Holiday Relief

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As the parents of a child who spent nearly 7 months in the NICU we are very aware of how exhausting and stressful a NICU stay is. We were very blessed to receive support from family and friends. Even more incredibly, we recived a lot of help from people we didn't know but were touched by our story.

We want to "pay it forward" as they say and help other families as they go through one of the most difficult journeys in their life. Our goal is to raise enough money to take a break and grab a cup of coffee or grab a quick bite to eat. When your life is turned upside down, a little bit of normalcy is welcome.

Our goal is to raise money for the Seattle Children's and Swedish Hopsital NICU families so that we can spread some holiday cheer this winter. We appreciate any help that you can provide!
Faire un don


  • Lindsay Steinbach
    • $50
    • 7 yrs
Faire un don


Anthony May
Seattle, WA

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