Scott Wulff Save Dogs & Owners Fund
Tax deductible
The Scott Wulff Memorial Fund to benefit
Dogs Matter
Help me honor the life and heroic death of my brother, Scott, who lost his life while trying to save the life of his canine best-friend, after she bolted into the path of a train. Help assure that the tragic deaths of Scott and his cherished rescue-dog, Astrid, will make a difference in the lives of other dogs and their owners!
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Read about Scott & Astrid's special bond on People.com
Please support Dogs Matter, an innovative nonprofit committed to offering welcoming foster homes to the dogs of alcoholics and addicts seeking treatment. Your tax deductible donation can help provide the “gift of recovery” to a dog owner, a safe haven for a dog, and a happy reunion after stability has been restored to their lives. Stephen Knight, Executive Director of Dogs Matter, and also a licensed substance abuse counselor, firmly believes that this program “saves lives!”
See Dogs Matter Website

In the wake of Scott’s death, family members learned of an underlying misfortune that makes this tragedy all the more heart-rending. Just a week or so prior to his death, he had reached out to someone with a desperate plea for help in finding a temporary home for Astrid so that he could enter treatment and begin a fresh start to recovery. Sadly, his plea remained largely unheard until it was too late… (Scott’s cellphone had been stolen—and with it his lifeline to people who cared for him and would have gladly helped.)
Concern for the protection and care of their dogs poses a challenge to those seeking recovery, and frequently deters them from entering treatment. The goal of Dogs Matter is to remove this barrier so that alcoholics and addicts can get the life-saving treatment they need.
My brother, Scott, suffered from a mood disorder and struggled with the disease of addiction for most of his life. Although he had achieved long stretches of sobriety, he had relapsed in his last year of life.
We learned that his need for recovery became so pressing during his final weeks—that he had even considered the unimaginable: the painful, last-ditch measure of surrendering his beloved dog to the shelter for adoption.
The pioneering nonprofit, Dogs Matter, is the only organization of its kind solely dedicated to providing a solution to the critical dilemma facing dog owners seeking recovery from addictions—with the end goal of reuniting dogs with their owners. The volunteer-staffed, charity achieves this by promoting awareness, offering services, and providing temporary, no-cost foster care for the dogs of those entering substance abuse rehabilitation facilities.
I believe the tragic deaths of Scott and Astrid may have been averted if Dogs Matter—or an organization with a similar mission—had been operating in Jacksonville, Florida. With the reassurance that Astrid was in good hands, and the hope of being reunited with her, Scott would have felt free to enter detox. Both would have been removed from the perils of life on the streets.
Monies raised from this campaign will be used by Dogs Matter to provide pre-placement veterinary care (including shots and heart worm medication); pre-placement grooming (including a flea dip); high-quality, nutritious dog food; and emergency, short term kennel fees. It costs Dogs Matter an average of $250 per dog for placement in foster care.
Through growing public support, Dogs Matter has increased the number of dogs and owners served by 300% since its first year of operation in 2014. However, Dogs Matter still must turn away nearly as many dogs as they place due to a lack of adequate funding to meet the demand.
Please make a difference in the life of a dog and their owner! Donate soon in order to save money on your 2017 taxes.
You can also help Stephen Knight fulfill his vision of creating a nationwide movement, by expanding services to other cities:
If you are interested in launching a branch of Dogs Matter, or similar organization, in your community, please contact Stephen Knight. He will enthusiastically provide you with the guidance to get started.
Similarly, if you are willing to open you heart and home to the dog of an alcoholic or addict seeking treatment—please get the word out there so that a support network can be created!
Thank you for your support!

Dogs Matter
Help me honor the life and heroic death of my brother, Scott, who lost his life while trying to save the life of his canine best-friend, after she bolted into the path of a train. Help assure that the tragic deaths of Scott and his cherished rescue-dog, Astrid, will make a difference in the lives of other dogs and their owners!
View news story
Read about Scott & Astrid's special bond on People.com
Please support Dogs Matter, an innovative nonprofit committed to offering welcoming foster homes to the dogs of alcoholics and addicts seeking treatment. Your tax deductible donation can help provide the “gift of recovery” to a dog owner, a safe haven for a dog, and a happy reunion after stability has been restored to their lives. Stephen Knight, Executive Director of Dogs Matter, and also a licensed substance abuse counselor, firmly believes that this program “saves lives!”
See Dogs Matter Website

In the wake of Scott’s death, family members learned of an underlying misfortune that makes this tragedy all the more heart-rending. Just a week or so prior to his death, he had reached out to someone with a desperate plea for help in finding a temporary home for Astrid so that he could enter treatment and begin a fresh start to recovery. Sadly, his plea remained largely unheard until it was too late… (Scott’s cellphone had been stolen—and with it his lifeline to people who cared for him and would have gladly helped.)
Concern for the protection and care of their dogs poses a challenge to those seeking recovery, and frequently deters them from entering treatment. The goal of Dogs Matter is to remove this barrier so that alcoholics and addicts can get the life-saving treatment they need.
My brother, Scott, suffered from a mood disorder and struggled with the disease of addiction for most of his life. Although he had achieved long stretches of sobriety, he had relapsed in his last year of life.
We learned that his need for recovery became so pressing during his final weeks—that he had even considered the unimaginable: the painful, last-ditch measure of surrendering his beloved dog to the shelter for adoption.
The pioneering nonprofit, Dogs Matter, is the only organization of its kind solely dedicated to providing a solution to the critical dilemma facing dog owners seeking recovery from addictions—with the end goal of reuniting dogs with their owners. The volunteer-staffed, charity achieves this by promoting awareness, offering services, and providing temporary, no-cost foster care for the dogs of those entering substance abuse rehabilitation facilities.
I believe the tragic deaths of Scott and Astrid may have been averted if Dogs Matter—or an organization with a similar mission—had been operating in Jacksonville, Florida. With the reassurance that Astrid was in good hands, and the hope of being reunited with her, Scott would have felt free to enter detox. Both would have been removed from the perils of life on the streets.
Monies raised from this campaign will be used by Dogs Matter to provide pre-placement veterinary care (including shots and heart worm medication); pre-placement grooming (including a flea dip); high-quality, nutritious dog food; and emergency, short term kennel fees. It costs Dogs Matter an average of $250 per dog for placement in foster care.
Through growing public support, Dogs Matter has increased the number of dogs and owners served by 300% since its first year of operation in 2014. However, Dogs Matter still must turn away nearly as many dogs as they place due to a lack of adequate funding to meet the demand.
Please make a difference in the life of a dog and their owner! Donate soon in order to save money on your 2017 taxes.
You can also help Stephen Knight fulfill his vision of creating a nationwide movement, by expanding services to other cities:
If you are interested in launching a branch of Dogs Matter, or similar organization, in your community, please contact Stephen Knight. He will enthusiastically provide you with the guidance to get started.
Similarly, if you are willing to open you heart and home to the dog of an alcoholic or addict seeking treatment—please get the word out there so that a support network can be created!
Thank you for your support!

Catherine Valera
Fernandina Beach, FL
Dogs Matter