Support That Hood Ranch Micro Farm
Collaborative Entrepreneurship via Urban Farming
As social entrepreneurs, from inception we have committed our existence to not merely bridging the gap between fresh food and those who lack it most but also collaborative efforts which improve the lives of others.
As part of our latest efforts That Hood Ranch was created. After sitting abandoned for several years, we were able to purchase it from a local developer the summer of 2014.Above you see what it looked like. Below you shall see the hard work put into it. Although a lot of work was done when we purchased the property in 2014, we spent several thousand more to replace windows, install a patio door, the roof as well as repair the enormous chimney and fireplace.
However, there is so much more to be done we can no longer do it alone. Which is why we need your help.
Sitting on 3 lots, the property is massive for the area. Although we have done what we could on our tiny budget, overwhelmingly using repurposed items, we want to convert the land into an active urban farm.
To secure it properly, the fence needs to be replaced. We could use several more rain barrels, loads more soil, mulch, work stations, bees, cameras, lighting, a couple of people to help regularly and YOU! We cannot help others without your contribution BIG or small.
Consisting of an unprecedented 20,000 sf, That Ranch is a fixer upper, located in urban #Milwaukee. It sits less than 1/2 block from public housing, in a diverse neighborhood.
We want to:
1. Expand the rainwater collection by adding 8+
2. Include Honeybees, for local honey
3. Create a 15x20' learning circle,
4. Build 6+ raised work stations,
5. Secure & improve even replace fencing,
6. Create mulched walkways,
7. Build a medium sized greenhouse using
repurposed materials (extending the
growing season by several weeks) and
8. Create space for 25+ plots we can invite others to
9. Using donated patio doors, build a greenhouse extending the growing season to year round.
We purchased raised plant beds, soil and veggie plants from a local nonprofit for ourselves as well as a few families who wanted to begin their own gardens. We also purchase several starter #plants from another organization focusing on teens.
As a result, in just 4-5x8 beds, we were able to grow 200+lbs of tomatoes, both sweet and hot peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, herbs, even watermelon and more.
A small grant from a private foundation allowed us to purchase a couple of #rainbarrels (pictured above). We used 90+% rainwater.
Because we support as many local producers & businesses as we can, we also use a local composter.
Vital to our youth cause is Wade. He has autisim. Unlike other kids his age he does not engage in conversation, is fearful of loud noises among other things but he adores dancing, being outside in a park on the slide, running and gardening.
At 4 yrs old he has the most amazing smile yet is often easily agitated. However, he LOVES gardening. He stays calm, helps and would be outdoors for hours if we let him. Sometimes he will just sit outside soaking up the rays and looking around at everything.
Please watch below; he is patiently trying to navigate the land with the wagon which is carrying much needed soil. It is these types of results we want to share with and see in others. Do feel free to watch the videos of him again and again.
What we discovered was simply by doing what we love and sharing it, the neighbors began to do more themselves. People love how much we love being in the hood.
Wanting to continue our knowledge sharing as well as make it easier for others who want to grow but cannot for whatever reason, we expedited our expansion. Placing 10 in ground 4x16 beds, adding honey bees and more rain barrels.
From our Cops, Crops & Kids program to our community col-labs, there really is nothing like this in the city within walking distance of those who lack transportation; We want to open our property to schools, organizaions, small business owners and of course our neighorbors.
We need your help.Here we are standing in front of That Ranch. Pictured l-r (Angela-mom, Stevey-daughter & Wade grandson/son).
The small raised bed is where we grew 3 varieties of cherry tomatoes. The purpose was to start conversations with neighbors, passersby and kids. It was so cool to see kids come up, grab a tomato then eat it to see if it was real; most had never seen fresh food growing in someone's yard, let alone food they could take at will.
The goal is to bring fresh local food within a few blocks of where they live.
Pictured a bee we witnessed pollanating a sweet pepper bloom.
We have also teamed up with others to help us make this happen. Where we fall short is in revenue. Although our hearts and efforts huge, our business is very small. It cannot sustain itself and this effort. We would love to be able to even pay a few youths and/or transitioning adults as well. Here is That Ranch after we did several improvements ourselves. We wanted to give the neighbors a better view than before so we worked hard to bring a bit of curb appeal. We did not have enough to do more so there is still a long way to go to make it inviting and engaging to the surrounding community.
That Ranch also would like to help other artisans bring in revenue year round with our CSA aka Community Supported #Artisans. Unlike most CSAs ours leans more towards value-added vs fresh produce. In combining these items, it allows folks to enjoy valude added items like our salsa and CHips, fresh eggs and meats from a local farm, even beauty items like handmade soaps and deodorants from a small business who shall grow herbs on our property. All available year round. While during the growing season you have additional options of fresh produce and honey. Once the greenhouse is in production we hope to have these fresh items available even into the winter months.
If you want to support our cause using the CSA advantage merely sign up at CSA GOFUNDME to find out more. Above is a rough layout of our plans. The long blue rectangle represents That Ranch structure. The remainder is the land we are hoping to convert with your support.
We have a link to our webpage with more pics and info as well as a video below.
Visit That Hood Ranch today!
Thanks so much for learning about & sharing our efforts with others. As well as thinking enough of them to support our cause.