Hope for Amy
Donation protected
Hi folks, as most of you know amy has necrotising enterocolitis, had this all her life, had all the medication possible and now got the heart breaking news to find out there is nothing more they can do now. we are hoping to get amy to america for the chance of having a prosthetic bowel, her liver and pancreas is also now damaged as amy tried everything possible going by doctors advice to get some releif. instead amy come out worse than she went in and is now on medication for the rest of her life. we are going to get amy to america, i know how much many people love my daughter if anyone could possibly donate a penny or a pound after christmas, or even perhaps think of any sponser ideas for us :) we will appreciate anything and will do whatever it takes to get hope for amy <3 thank you too all, words cant express how much our family appreciate any ideas or donations..
thank you from the bottom of our hearts, love karen & family xxx
thank you from the bottom of our hearts, love karen & family xxx
Karen Dilligaf Molyneux