House of Mercy Funds
Donation protected
House of Mercy was born in the heart of its founder, Roger Farah, through a revelation of the Holy Spirit while he was studying the book of John in the bible, chapter 5, the story of a man, which the story relates, had more than 30 years sick. When Jesus found him, he asked the man, “Would you like to get well?”. Anyone with the man’s condition would’ve simply answered yes, but instead, the man replied to Jesus by explaining his inability to get well on his own, being that he was not able to get to the place where he would find the healing his heart for so long desired. That is why Jesus, in all authority, tells the man, “Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk!”(John 5:1-9).
This story in the word of God relates and reflects the life of others who live out on the streets. People who, for any or other circumstances, have let themselves fall into the hands of the enemy, but now need a helping hand to lift them up, pick up their weight and help them walk.
House of Mercy is a christian center established on January 2, 2018 in the city of Lawrence, Massachusetts. Our mission is to offer service to those individuals who today need a helping hand. We act as a place of rest and relief for the struggles and trials they face every day. We offer a variety of services which objective is to help individuals who have problems integrating into our society with dignity and respect. Here our brothers and sisters can find:
Grooming services
Human resources services (help creating a resume, finding and applying for a job, etc)
Basic Medical Needs
Referrals to desintoxication programs, and rehabilitation centers
And others
Besides providing all of these items and basic needs to our visitors, House of Mercy open its doors to tender love, friendship, compassion, hope, kindness, patience… virtues our brothers and sisters in Christ need to receive. Hear we lend an ear for those that need to be heard, a hug to the lonely, a smile to those rejected. We are a center for the abandoned in our community.
One of the things that characterized and differentiates House of Mercy from other shelters in our community is that we are here to preach the message of hope and salvation to our visitors. Most importantly, we bring this message with our daily spiritual and praying services. House of Mercy is a christian center whose goal is to bring the gospel to people in need of knowing Jesus Christ. We help them understand that there is a God who exist and is willing to change their minds and hearts, and is willing to cancel all ties of wickedness against them. The word of God says in John 10:10, “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.”. Since the beginning of humanity, an evil ruler rose willing to steal the lives of many of the sons and daughters of God. Unfortunately, santan has been able to accomplish his goal with some, and has been able to steal, kill and destroy the children of God like the word says. Just in time! An army has risen up willing to fight and snatch away from the enemy's hands what he has stolen from God. We are an army fighting with the Giant to break the chains that tie our brothers and sisters in the street. We work together united by the Holy Spirit to deal with our visitors in a healthy and effective way so they can learn to break the chains by themselves, and so they can be changed and restore in the name of Jesus. God sent his only son so that all who believed in Him will not perish and would have everlasting life. (John 3:16). There is a living God who wants to give back life to our brothers and sisters, a life full of prosperity, health, wellbeing, hope, a full and abundant life. Everyone needs to know that God is waiting for them with open arms to give them redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ, forgiveness of their sins,and that through Jesus they can receive eternal life.
You can also be part of this army. God makes special and easy calling to us. Help your neighbor! We daily need the help of volunteers ready and willing to extend and helping hand to our brothers and sisters who visit. In our center we have areas like:
Human Resources
And others
All of these areas are available to our visitors during our business hours. If you are interested in providing charity time in our center, you are more than welcome. For more information you can contact our volunteer coordinator.
Diana Estrella
Main Office: [phone redacted]
Cel: [phone redacted]
Email: [email redacted]
Another way you can join our army is bringing donations. At House of Mercy our brothers benefit from all the donations made to our center. Some of the items and essentials are:
Hair brush or comb
And others
House of Mercy also accepts monetary donations. For more information about what can be donated or how to make a monetary donations, contact our administrators:
Nombre: Mabel Valenzuela Nombre: Roger Farah
Cel: [phone redacted] Cel: [phone redacted]
Main Office: [phone redacted] Main Office: [phone redacted]
Email: [email redacted] Email: [email redacted]
In advanced we thank you for your collaboration with this project. We thank everyone who has made this project possible and safe. We declare abundant blessing in each and everyone who had extended a helping hand without waiting for anything in exchange.
Lastly but most importantly, we give all Glory and Honor to God our father for putting the desires in our hearts of serving Him. For opening the doors. For his protection and care with us. Because we know that He will do great things, not only in our lives, but in each everyone one of our brothers and sisters that visit HOUSE OF MERCY.
House of Mercy was born in the heart of its founder, Roger Farah, through a revelation of the Holy Spirit while he was studying the book of John in the bible, chapter 5, the story of a man, which the story relates, had more than 30 years sick. When Jesus found him, he asked the man, “Would you like to get well?”. Anyone with the man’s condition would’ve simply answered yes, but instead, the man replied to Jesus by explaining his inability to get well on his own, being that he was not able to get to the place where he would find the healing his heart for so long desired. That is why Jesus, in all authority, tells the man, “Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk!”(John 5:1-9).
This story in the word of God relates and reflects the life of others who live out on the streets. People who, for any or other circumstances, have let themselves fall into the hands of the enemy, but now need a helping hand to lift them up, pick up their weight and help them walk.
House of Mercy is a christian center established on January 2, 2018 in the city of Lawrence, Massachusetts. Our mission is to offer service to those individuals who today need a helping hand. We act as a place of rest and relief for the struggles and trials they face every day. We offer a variety of services which objective is to help individuals who have problems integrating into our society with dignity and respect. Here our brothers and sisters can find:
Grooming services
Human resources services (help creating a resume, finding and applying for a job, etc)
Basic Medical Needs
Referrals to desintoxication programs, and rehabilitation centers
And others
Besides providing all of these items and basic needs to our visitors, House of Mercy open its doors to tender love, friendship, compassion, hope, kindness, patience… virtues our brothers and sisters in Christ need to receive. Hear we lend an ear for those that need to be heard, a hug to the lonely, a smile to those rejected. We are a center for the abandoned in our community.
One of the things that characterized and differentiates House of Mercy from other shelters in our community is that we are here to preach the message of hope and salvation to our visitors. Most importantly, we bring this message with our daily spiritual and praying services. House of Mercy is a christian center whose goal is to bring the gospel to people in need of knowing Jesus Christ. We help them understand that there is a God who exist and is willing to change their minds and hearts, and is willing to cancel all ties of wickedness against them. The word of God says in John 10:10, “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.”. Since the beginning of humanity, an evil ruler rose willing to steal the lives of many of the sons and daughters of God. Unfortunately, santan has been able to accomplish his goal with some, and has been able to steal, kill and destroy the children of God like the word says. Just in time! An army has risen up willing to fight and snatch away from the enemy's hands what he has stolen from God. We are an army fighting with the Giant to break the chains that tie our brothers and sisters in the street. We work together united by the Holy Spirit to deal with our visitors in a healthy and effective way so they can learn to break the chains by themselves, and so they can be changed and restore in the name of Jesus. God sent his only son so that all who believed in Him will not perish and would have everlasting life. (John 3:16). There is a living God who wants to give back life to our brothers and sisters, a life full of prosperity, health, wellbeing, hope, a full and abundant life. Everyone needs to know that God is waiting for them with open arms to give them redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ, forgiveness of their sins,and that through Jesus they can receive eternal life.
You can also be part of this army. God makes special and easy calling to us. Help your neighbor! We daily need the help of volunteers ready and willing to extend and helping hand to our brothers and sisters who visit. In our center we have areas like:
Human Resources
And others
All of these areas are available to our visitors during our business hours. If you are interested in providing charity time in our center, you are more than welcome. For more information you can contact our volunteer coordinator.
Diana Estrella
Main Office: [phone redacted]
Cel: [phone redacted]
Email: [email redacted]
Another way you can join our army is bringing donations. At House of Mercy our brothers benefit from all the donations made to our center. Some of the items and essentials are:
Hair brush or comb
And others
House of Mercy also accepts monetary donations. For more information about what can be donated or how to make a monetary donations, contact our administrators:
Nombre: Mabel Valenzuela Nombre: Roger Farah
Cel: [phone redacted] Cel: [phone redacted]
Main Office: [phone redacted] Main Office: [phone redacted]
Email: [email redacted] Email: [email redacted]
In advanced we thank you for your collaboration with this project. We thank everyone who has made this project possible and safe. We declare abundant blessing in each and everyone who had extended a helping hand without waiting for anything in exchange.
Lastly but most importantly, we give all Glory and Honor to God our father for putting the desires in our hearts of serving Him. For opening the doors. For his protection and care with us. Because we know that He will do great things, not only in our lives, but in each everyone one of our brothers and sisters that visit HOUSE OF MERCY.
HouseOf Mercy
Lawrence, MA