Housebound and Need Help
Hi! I'm Rebecca. I have multiple disabilities that render me housebound at least half the week, every week. I live in a state of constant pain, fatigue, and anxiety.
I have Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Gastroparesis, severe OCD, PTSD, and multiple chronic pain conditions, as well as as-yet undiagnosed diseases. I am under multiple doctors' care, including psychiatrists, a GP, a pain specialist, a gastroenterologist, and more. I was recently hospitalized.
When you contribute to this fundraiser, you're helping a severely disabled person who's below the poverty line survive. You directly help me with:
-Transportation to doctors' offices, hospitals, pharmacies, and medical testing. 2-3+ times per week, on average.
-A new cane (the handle on mine is worn, and the middle is rusty) and a walker.
- A shower chair.
-I have a weakened immune system, so I need things like vitamins, surgical face masks, antibacterial soaps and gels.
-Fresh fruits and vegetables, pumpernickel bread, occasional meat, fish or vegetarian protein source other than canned beans or whatever is at the food bank. These foods are recommended by my doctors, to improve my health.
-1 pair of shoes, 1 pair of boots, to replace the ones I currently have, which are very worn, and extra treads to prevent slipping (I am not steady on my feet due to severe muscle weakness).
I'm so grateful! Thank you so much for your generosity