Floating Mobile Sauna
Donation protected

This is to be a fully functional floating sauna built in a boat that can also be used on land with use of its trailor.
Clear the plastic debris out of the waterways as Sauna moves along.
It will use the innovated product SeaBin. The Seabin can catch an estimated 1.5 Kgs of floating debris per day (depending on weather and debris volumes) including microplastics up to 2 mm small. Water is sucked in from the surface and passes through a catch bag in side the Seabin, with a submersible water pump capable of displacing 25.000 Lph (liters per hour), plugged directly into 110/220 V outlet. The water is then pumped back into the riverway leaving litter and debris trapped in the catch bag.
Solar water traditionally combines cobalt blue with sunlight in order to alter the structure of the water molecules.
There will be blue cobalt glass skylight and floorlight. . The deep blue color brings water back to Zero Point, where it is healed of any and all discordant frequencies it may have accumulated. This allows the water to reset and regenerate from pollution.
Mycelium to clean Water Habitats.
Placement of burlap Sacks with Oyster mushroom Spores along river banks.
Whether it is waterways, soil or even radioactive comtaminated areas, the powerful use of mycelium to sequester contaminants, is another amazing feat from nature. Research is being done into following the innovative projects of The Ocean Blue Project based in Corvallis, Texas these various projects and researchers across the world use mycelium to clean habitats.
The project buy locally grown oyster mushroom spores that they grow in a coffee ground mix. Then they create a 'bunker spawn' which goes into the river. This consists of a burlap bag filled with wood chips and the inoculated oyster mushroom spawn. The bags are secured with bamboo sticks and placed on the river banks. As the oyster mushrooms grow, they break down toxins in-situ, removing and neutralising the pollutants in the river (a form of bioremediation). Oyster mushrooms have been shown to reduce E. coli and break down hydrocarbons.
I'm a Hatha Yoga Teacher and Sound Therapist with a passion for reconnecting people with the outer world of nature to aid an innerward journey. I specialise in Concious Community Development. I bring authentic tribal lifestyle experiences to others using sound and the interaction with the natural enviroment . My aim is to reconnect people with their Irish hertiage and the landscape. Everything I orgainse is based on giving back to the land we live and love in. Eventually I would love to see a greener Ireland with sparkling rivers able to sustain eco systems. Fruit, berry and nut trees replanted within our hedgerows to support diverse wildlife. Regeneration of broad leaf forests. Doing our best to support indigenious wildlife back into the country. Most of all I hope to see thriving communities with happy supported people.
Please support and make a real difference.
All that support will be entered into a superb draw for a weekend retreat for themselves and 6 of their friends. The weekend retreat will involve a weekend of yoga, sound bathing meditation, sauna sweating and relaxation in a beautiful location. All you have to do, is like, share and dontate. (offer only available in Ireland)

Saraí Humble