Mild Hyperbaric Chamber Purchase
Hello There !!
Chicky needs a Mild Hyperbaric Chamber asap or he wont live very long or have the Cognitive power to live normal life or get re employed
I needed help years ago sadly but i been stalled help from WCE and been fighting for years just to get my Medical Records which is madness!!
252 AFL Games in 12 years -1ql
Everaged 22 Games a year
for 12 years straight !!! Now thats deserves some respect and post career care ??
I Played hurt and Protected my teammates every chance possible and played in any position Coach asked of me week in week out - I also Laid a shit load of tackles and Shepherds Blocks ❤
Round 18 Derby WCE v Fremantle
- 5th August 2007
Stood up or trainers got me up from face down after that Massive Elbow Blunt Force Trauma - Look at my left Cheek - thats vessels full off blood
Chicky is desperatley hoping to Raise Money to buy a
Mild Portable Hyperbaric Chamber for home use to heal my
TBI Post Concussion Whiplash Trauma - Reversed Cervicle Spine above C6 and the daily pain im suffering and endured last 10 years.
The Trauma from this severe Elbow Injury to my throat Fractured my Cricoid Cartlige and Thyroid and paralysised a vocal cord + produced a massive heamotoma in my Larynx which affected me for weeks + i also daily still suffer from 12 years in the AFL using my body as a Battering Ram and it has taken its toll
Im suffering from Neuro Inflammatory dramas - whiplash trauma and blunt force trauma to my neck and post traumatic injuries - painfull conditions and nerve numbness dramas.
I need to spend alot of time in the Hyperbaric Chamber to get healthy is my truth if i dont i struggle atm and will not get better or beat chronic fatigue , low Spo2 levels OSA sleep apnea or poor quality sleep that not good at all and getting Perth doctors to stand up and help has been so ridiculous hard okay.. i have a few who brave enough to help me and they recomend Hyperbaric therapy a while back- AFLPA are paying all my medical bills atm and Current Hyperbaric chamber therapy bills but it is alot better if i obtain my iwn chamber at home to maximize healing time and privacy less PTSD triggers as i have dramas in public in perth due to the constant Harrasment and bad media reports by those who support those who left me to die basically with serious injuries 10 years ago
I have not worked since August 2013 effectively and struggled with employment since 2007 or holding a job - chronic fatigue syndrome has been so bad for simce 2007 okay . Overnight i changed and struggling to work out whats transpired or where why i so damaged and not very conscious last 10 years
Sorry to ask for funds but im out of options ok and getting denied promised help now ? Im not sure what else to ok
Neck should curve this way
Thats my neck curved wrong way below
Larynx pics a few days after the Elbow Trauma - i never went to hospital at all for this injury ?? Why not ?? How i lived is a miracle but i suffered for 10 years due to this medical negligence and corruption
Its AFLPA CBA agreement law that every AFL player getting delisted gets an Exit Medical which wow yes Chicky never got one hey so how was i to know i was even hurt badly or did i have chance to get help going forward and why i getting shafted still and little empathy from doctors who failed me ??
Grade 3 Laryngeal injury okay it was
Neck goes wrong way cervicle curve