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Institute for the reseach of genocide Canada

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Institute for research of genocide Canada (IGC) is a public scientific institution engaged in analysis of crimes against peace, crime of genocide, and other grave branches of international law from the historical, legal, sociological, criminology, economic, demographic, psychological, political, cultural, medical, environmental, and other aspects of relevance for the complete research of crimes.

In order to continue to fight for justice we need your help with off setting the operational costs of the institute. We are 100% volounteer run organization.

IGC website 

The most important IGC's actions that have awakened human rights activists, freedom fighters and fighters for the truth and justice around the world are:

1. Unanimously, the Canadian Parliament adopted two resolutions on genocide in Srebrenica and on the basis of these resolutions, July 11th in Canada was proclaimed Day of Remembrance of Srebrenica Victims of Genocide.

2. Only in Canada by the decision of the Canadian government May 31st  has been proclaimed a World White Ribbon Day .

3. Genocide in Srebrenica is being studied at some Canadian schools and colleges.

4. The first monument to the victims of genocide in Srebrenica in B&H diaspora was discovered in the Canadian city of Windsor.

5. The Srebrenica Flower, a symbol of genocide in Srebrenica, but also a symbol of all genocides in the world, has been delivered to all members of the Canadian Parliament.

6. The permanent exhibition of genocide in Srebrenica has been opened at the Canadian Museum of Human Rights in Winnipeg.

7. The Canadian parliament and also the parliaments of many other countries have been educated about the BiH aggression and the genocide of its citizens, especially the Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims).

8. IGC has actively participated in the process of adopting the Srebrenica genocide resolution in the US Congress and the Senate, the Parliament in Australia and the European Parliament, as well as the parliaments of many other countries.

9. IGC has initiated a multidimensional lobbying and scientific research project to combat the deniers of genocide.

10. IGC has initiated a parliamentary petition e-1837 in order to prosecute the deniers of a genocide in Srebrenica in Canada.


Institut za istraživanje genocida, Kanada (IGK) je javna naučna ustanova koja se bavi istraživanjem zločina protiv mira, zločina genocida i drugih teških povreda međunarodnog prava sa historijskog, pravnog, sociološkog, kriminološkog, ekonomskog, demografskog, psihološkog, politikološkog, kulturološkog, medicinskog, ekološkog i drugih aspekata od značaja za cjelovito naučno istraživanje zločina.

Da bismo nastavili borbu za pravdu, potrebna nam je vaša pomoć oko operativnih troškova instituta. Mi smo 100% volonterska organizacija.

IGK web stranica 

Najvažnije akcije IGK-a koje su probudile aktiviste za ljudska prava i slobode i borce za istinu i pravdu širom svijeta:

1. Jednoglasno u Kanadskom parlamentu usvojene dvije rezolucije o genocidu u Srebrenici i na osnovu tih rezolucija 11. juli je u Kanadi proglašen Danom sjećanja na žrtve genocida u Srebrenici.

2. 31. maj za sada se jedino u Kanadi, odlukom Kanadske Vlade obilježava kao Svijetski dan bijelih traka.

3. Genocid u Srebrenici se izučava u pojedinim kanadskim školama i fakultetima.

4. U kanadskom gradu Windsoru otkriven je prvi spomenik žrtvama genocida u Srebrenici u bosanskohercegovačkoj dijaspori.

5. Cvijet Srebrenice, simbol genocida u Srebrenici ali i simbol svih genocida u svijetu, je uručen svim članovima Kanadskog parlamenta.

6. U kanadskom Muzeju za ljudska prava u Vinipegu je otvorena stalna izložbena postavka o genocidu u Srebrenici.

7. O agresiji na BiH i genocidu protiv njenih građana, posebno Bošnjaka je govoreno u Kanadskom parlamentu, ali i u parlamentima mnogih drugih zemalja.

8. IGK je aktivno sudjelovao u procesu usvajanja rezolucija o genocidu u Srebrenici u američkom Kongresu i Senatu, parlamentu u Australiji i Evropskom parlamentu, te u parlamentima mnogih drugih država.

9. IGK je pokrenuo multidimenzionalni lobistički i naučno istraživački projekat borba protiv negatora genocida.

10. IGK je pokrenuo parlamentarnu peticiju e-1837 za krivično gonjenje negatora genocida u Srebrenici u Kanadi.

Our work through the photos/Naš rad kroz fotografije:


Lena Demirovic
Etobicoke, ON

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