Internationalize the DSA Convention
The Democratic Socialists of America has grown astronomically over the last year — we now stand at over 24,000 members!
Chapters are popping up all over the country engaging in vital day-to-day struggles, as well as the important work of political education.
Our international links, however, are far weaker than they were in past eras of the organization. In the 1980s, DSA fostered ties with socialist currents in Europe and played a major role in Central American solidarity campaigns.
Today's international context demands such engagement once again. The success of Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party in the United Kingdom, as well as Podemos and Jean-Luc Mélenchon's France Insoumise have been inspiring our efforts in the United States.
Now we have a chance to share some of our struggles and gain valuable wisdom from a delegation including members of Jeremy Corbyn's staff, Momentum, France Insoumise, and Podemos, among others.
We already have accommodations for our international guests, but given the immense costs already associated with the convention, we need your help to cover airfare and other costs.
As small as we still are, DSA is poised to be at the forefront of struggles in the US for years to come. Exchanging ideas and forging ties with international guests at our biggest convention ever would be a tremendous boon.