Support IP3's Landback Project Recovery
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Urgent Update: The new year came with excitement and a dreamscape we still pinch ourselves to know is real. We were ready to jump back in the flow and get started on our LandBack project with the land we acquired in December. Unfortunately a big storm came through bringing two 100ft trees down on the land demolishing the shop (our future training space) and another on the house (our future office space). We feel devastated about the damage but also hopeful in keeping the dreamscape alive and building anew. We need your help now more than ever! This is a temporary setback and we are still working to build this space into an Indigenous training space, wellness and cultural space and place to rest and create and build in community. Please consider donating if you are able, any amount helps. Sepk’eec’a, Thank you!
Returning to the Land
IP3 has land! Indigenous Peoples Power Project (IP3) has been blessed with the opportunity to cultivate a deeper relationship with the land in our home base, Multnomah and Chinook Territory or so-called Portland, OR. We have purchased 4.7 acres and now need your support in making our LANDBACK moment a long-term reality!
Indigenous Peoples Power Project is a small training and support network with nonprofit status. IP3 provides nonviolent direct action training, campaign support, and community organizing tools advancing Indigenous communities’ ability to exercise their inherent rights to environmental justice, cultural livelihood, and self-determination.
We work across Turtle Island and beyond with communities that are on the frontlines of ecological and cultural devastation at the hands of colonial, extractive powers, and who are steadfast in leading and creating solutions-oriented action.
We need your support and donations to ensure the longevity of this landback project as an Indigenous run and led space dedicated to upholding movement ideologies, land connection, reconnection, and rematriation. This project will continue our work of building capacity with Indigenous communities, networks, and partners with a sustainable base to gather, cultivate, and learn.
The Connection
It is said that we come from the earth, that she is our mother. And when we pass, we come back to her. Our homelands call to us, just as we yearn for them when we travel too far. IP3 was born from the unwavering passion to care for and protect Mother earth. We know we are part of her, and we are only well when she is well. Our mother needs healing, as it is she who heals us.
That is IP3’s purpose– to continue the fight for our future, land, and water; teaching, training, and learning from each other, and our ancestors so we can protect her for future generations.
The Wicked Problems
It is our ancestral responsibility to protect Mother Earth. For over 500 years, she has been ravaged at the hands of industry and imperialism. Too many Indigenous people have been expelled from their homelands, and massacred by the same entities that have taken advantage of our people, and planet. This displacement has led to intergenerational trauma for both Indigenous people and their homelands, and it has exacerbated the climate crisis we face today. It’s time we recognize the importance of Indigenous led solutions rooted in tradition, community, land and water, for generations to come.
The Solutions
Returning land to Indigenous hands is climate and social justice. It is necessary for the healing and transformation of our communities as we fight for liberation for all people and our planet.
This land project is the next phase in our growth as individuals, a network, and community. This will be a space to develop skills to fight harmful systems and an intentional place to nurture Indigenous land practices for a decolonized future. Your support will further us as Indigenous peoples who are creating this space for our communities and comrades to do just that- train, learn, rest and heal.
This opportunity to reconnect to land comes at a crucial time in our movements to cultivate and nurture new, creative solutions to disrupt the “business as usual” norms of the oppressive societies we live in. We know and operate with the understanding that ownership is a white supremacist practice– a colonial “formality.” No one can own the land.
The Dreamscape
This land will be home for us. The opportunity to connect with this land, to rematriate, and to nourish our community is something we have been dreaming of. This land will be a space for us to continue building our capacity in order to meet the diverse and ever changing needs of our communities.
The dreamscape for the land includes:
Intergenerational Training Space
- Home base for our office and network
- Physical training space and home for our Action Camps
- Gear and Tool library
- Dedicated Creative Resistance space
- Dedicated climbing space
- Activist and Artist Residency
- Be a hub for local orgs and other Indigenous/BIPOC groups
Healing & Wellness Programming
- Retreat space for Indigenous people and allies
- Rentable space to help the property be self-sustaining
- A space for culture and ceremony practices
- Grow and connect with Indigenous medicines
- Indigenous Healing and Medicine Workshops
- Reconnection and Rematriation with land
Food & Land Sovereignty Programming
- Grow and connect with Indigenous food and crops
- Herb, Fruit & Vegetable, & Floral Dye Gardens
- Raising sheep that came with the land
- Textile & Dyes Workshops
- Traditional & Land-based Skills and Building Workshops
- Connecting with Ancestral-land knowledge & practices
Your contribution will go directly to the dreamscape and help this Landback project come to life.
Sepk’eec’a, Thank you! -IP3 Board, Staff and Network
For more information on IP3 please visit our website at www.ip3action.org or find us on social media @ip3action.

Asa Wright
Portland, OR
Indigenous Peoples Power Project