Donation protected
A very close friend/family member was recently diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. He is a very talented musician and a member of Fire for Effect and also played for Malevolent Creation. Donations would be appreciated for medical expenses and treatments.
"Hello Everyone!! I am still in hospital attached to a double pick IV line they installed in me the other day otherwise they have to move the little IV lines every 4 days, and between all the bags of med going in and the bloodwork everyday my hands were bcoming green and blue bruise zonesThe blood thinners help with that.. I will fill in more of this messed up story when I get out. I have been in Hospital for almost 2 weeks now, I've had a MAJOR surgery,many proceedures and tests. Have not eaten that entire time and have not even smelled the outside air in that time. I am however progressing forward. They do want me out so that I can go home and heal and rehab. That may take weeks, after that they have a treatment they are confident in for my cancer, I know I have a long road and life has changed. I will still finish new album and do music, I just have a bit more important task at hand for the near future. This,so far, has been the most trying ,painful,torturous event that has EVER happened to me. I am on the battle wagon and I'm rolling!!! My wife Kim has been a rock for me!!! I love her with all my heart!!! My very close friends have all been battling with me and I've needed that support. LISTEN if you have not been to a Doctor,especially in years. GET TO ONE ASAP!! Don't think your too cool or shit won't happen to you cuz I promise you will find your self in a world of hurt! My shit was huge and they still got it in time to help me.I see older people here dealing with this and they are fucked, mass pain meds and life is a bed for now on in their lives. Get to a doctor PLEASE! I don't want to see my Family,friends or fans go through anything like this EVER. I will be back, I will post here and there, I will def let you guys know when they spring me from this hospital,( My Doctors kick ass) Thank you all for the love and I love you all back!!!!!"
Hello hello! I wanted to share some positive news and explain my situation a little more in depth. BUT first off I want to let you all know how overwhelmed,humbled,and just blown away by all of your kindness and support. I am at a loss for words,I just have such great positive power from all of you. I'm not one who takes and this is blowing my mind. I hope I can somehow express my appreciation to you.
Ok here's some positives. My bowels have been waking up nicely over the past few days,they pulled the suction tube out of my nose(it was in there sucking shit outa me for 6 days) and put me on a clear diet and evthing went well. Yesterday they put me on very limited but more solid diet and evthing stayed down and is moving through the system ;) I'm like a 2 year old who shit on the toilet for the first time YAY!!!! LOL!!. Anyway they taught me a few things,dressing my incision,and giving myself my blood thinner shots. They pulled the pick out of my arm and kicked me free this morning!! I haven't been outside in 2 weeks exactly,it was quite intense for me. I am eating real food again,bit bland and small but hey when they open you up and then cut off your food for a couple weeks it's gonna take a while for everything to come back on line.
I originally went to emergency room because I was having bad pains in my legs and feet. I work construction and after a few weeks of this pain everyday my wife Kim took me to Emergency room, and she was not taking no as an option. Well come to find out the cancer was causing my t cell count up and thickening my blood. I had an 8 inch clot in my right calf and some broke off and went into my lungs. The clotting is now under control and I also have a filter inserted into the main vein in my chest so nothing can get by to my heart or brain now. The Dr told us if I hadn't come in that I would've certainly been dead by that next Friday from an embolism.. Fun stuff so far eh? But I'm alive.
My Colon surgeon,who is amazing, persuaded me to stay( after all the test they ran) and get this mass out my ass. I listened and told him whatever you need me to do,lets roll. He removed the whole thing,got all of it. He checked my other organs and just like the CT scans and X rays I have some lesions on my liver,no other organs. It is one of the most common cancers and my oncologist believes treatment will work very well. They have the meds dialed in for this since it is so common. I know everyone is effected differently and I will just wait and see. They can't start those treatments until I'm fully recovered from the major surgery on the my colon. But I am feeling so positive and so fortunate to have people like you out there. The empathy and understanding is amazing. I will be doing everything they tell me to do and get this shit right. I know I have a long road ahead but I got some hard things out of me already. I'm gonna battle and hope to actually come out healthier then I've been in years!!!
PLEASE get your self checked!! Save your self a waking nightmare of pain,uncertainty,and mental twistedness.
Thank you guys so so very much!! From my family to ALL of you I can not thank you enough!!!! I will give updates if anyone cares to read them. I will be on FB here and there and I will never stop appreciating everything that you are doing for me and my family. I love all you crazy nutters to no end!!!
"Hello Everyone!! I am still in hospital attached to a double pick IV line they installed in me the other day otherwise they have to move the little IV lines every 4 days, and between all the bags of med going in and the bloodwork everyday my hands were bcoming green and blue bruise zonesThe blood thinners help with that.. I will fill in more of this messed up story when I get out. I have been in Hospital for almost 2 weeks now, I've had a MAJOR surgery,many proceedures and tests. Have not eaten that entire time and have not even smelled the outside air in that time. I am however progressing forward. They do want me out so that I can go home and heal and rehab. That may take weeks, after that they have a treatment they are confident in for my cancer, I know I have a long road and life has changed. I will still finish new album and do music, I just have a bit more important task at hand for the near future. This,so far, has been the most trying ,painful,torturous event that has EVER happened to me. I am on the battle wagon and I'm rolling!!! My wife Kim has been a rock for me!!! I love her with all my heart!!! My very close friends have all been battling with me and I've needed that support. LISTEN if you have not been to a Doctor,especially in years. GET TO ONE ASAP!! Don't think your too cool or shit won't happen to you cuz I promise you will find your self in a world of hurt! My shit was huge and they still got it in time to help me.I see older people here dealing with this and they are fucked, mass pain meds and life is a bed for now on in their lives. Get to a doctor PLEASE! I don't want to see my Family,friends or fans go through anything like this EVER. I will be back, I will post here and there, I will def let you guys know when they spring me from this hospital,( My Doctors kick ass) Thank you all for the love and I love you all back!!!!!"
Hello hello! I wanted to share some positive news and explain my situation a little more in depth. BUT first off I want to let you all know how overwhelmed,humbled,and just blown away by all of your kindness and support. I am at a loss for words,I just have such great positive power from all of you. I'm not one who takes and this is blowing my mind. I hope I can somehow express my appreciation to you.
Ok here's some positives. My bowels have been waking up nicely over the past few days,they pulled the suction tube out of my nose(it was in there sucking shit outa me for 6 days) and put me on a clear diet and evthing went well. Yesterday they put me on very limited but more solid diet and evthing stayed down and is moving through the system ;) I'm like a 2 year old who shit on the toilet for the first time YAY!!!! LOL!!. Anyway they taught me a few things,dressing my incision,and giving myself my blood thinner shots. They pulled the pick out of my arm and kicked me free this morning!! I haven't been outside in 2 weeks exactly,it was quite intense for me. I am eating real food again,bit bland and small but hey when they open you up and then cut off your food for a couple weeks it's gonna take a while for everything to come back on line.
I originally went to emergency room because I was having bad pains in my legs and feet. I work construction and after a few weeks of this pain everyday my wife Kim took me to Emergency room, and she was not taking no as an option. Well come to find out the cancer was causing my t cell count up and thickening my blood. I had an 8 inch clot in my right calf and some broke off and went into my lungs. The clotting is now under control and I also have a filter inserted into the main vein in my chest so nothing can get by to my heart or brain now. The Dr told us if I hadn't come in that I would've certainly been dead by that next Friday from an embolism.. Fun stuff so far eh? But I'm alive.
My Colon surgeon,who is amazing, persuaded me to stay( after all the test they ran) and get this mass out my ass. I listened and told him whatever you need me to do,lets roll. He removed the whole thing,got all of it. He checked my other organs and just like the CT scans and X rays I have some lesions on my liver,no other organs. It is one of the most common cancers and my oncologist believes treatment will work very well. They have the meds dialed in for this since it is so common. I know everyone is effected differently and I will just wait and see. They can't start those treatments until I'm fully recovered from the major surgery on the my colon. But I am feeling so positive and so fortunate to have people like you out there. The empathy and understanding is amazing. I will be doing everything they tell me to do and get this shit right. I know I have a long road ahead but I got some hard things out of me already. I'm gonna battle and hope to actually come out healthier then I've been in years!!!
PLEASE get your self checked!! Save your self a waking nightmare of pain,uncertainty,and mental twistedness.
Thank you guys so so very much!! From my family to ALL of you I can not thank you enough!!!! I will give updates if anyone cares to read them. I will be on FB here and there and I will never stop appreciating everything that you are doing for me and my family. I love all you crazy nutters to no end!!!
Organizer and beneficiary
Tina Kuntz Mielcarek
North Tonawanda, NY
Bret Hoffmann