Jada'sJellyBeans T-shirt Fundraiser
Donate $15 or more, and we'll provide you with your very own Jada's Jelly Beans t-shirt and you’ll be entered into a drawing for a family photo shoot session in the DFW area (valued at well over $250) courtesy of Kristin Taylor Photography (www.kristintaylorphotography.com)
Please make sure to include your information with your donation and if you'd like to receive a shirt.
>> Leave your FULL NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, SHIRT SIZE and EMAIL ADDRESS in the *anonymous* comment box when you donate. We will have no way of knowing who you are if you do not include this info. If you would like to give an extra donation, you can include that in your amount!
Last year Jada's Jelly Beans raised and donated $4000* to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) through Walk team donations and contributions from Jada's Jelly Beans T's. This year let's top last year's donations!
This is a fabulous way for you to show your support for Jada while also benefiting the JDRF Fort Worth One Walk scheduled for Saturday, Oct 13, 2018 at Panther Island. This year's 2018 t-shirts will include a vibrantly colored BLUE shirt with a PINK "Jada's Jelly Bean" on the front.
These will come ADULT ( S, M, L, XL, XXL)
Short Sleeve
- $15
or more
*Thomson Reuters Matching Gifts program will match(double) our JDRF donation up to $1000.
Own a business or work for a company that looks for groups to sponsor? We'd love to promote your business. Action Required: Send an email inquiry and your vectored logo before September 1, 2018 to [email redacted]
Want to join our Jada's Jelly Beans JDRF One Walk Team or donate directly to JDRF? - https://www2.jdrf.org/site/TR/Walk/GreaterFortWorthArlingtonChapter4633?team_id=257063&pg=team&fr_id=7441
For more information on how you can be a part of Jada's Jelly Beans or if you'd like to see photos from previous years, visit JADAHOWARD.COM or like us on FaceBook at https://www.facebook.com/jadasjellybeans/

About Jada and T1D
Jada, a Heritage Middle School Highstepper dancer and scholar at Heritage Middle School, and her family were diagnosed with T1D the last week of 2nd grade. Her last days of 2nd grade were spent in the hospital. She missed her 2nd grade awards ceremony, but with the love and support of visits from family and friends she was able to feel apart of it all. After 3 days in the hospital, Jada was able to make the last day of school and was then able to be with all of her friends and see them off before the summer.
T1D, also known as type 1 diabetes, is a rare auto immune condition that REQUIRES Jada to perform 10+ needle pokes (we're hoping to get a Dexcom G6 pending the cost and time dealing with health insurance) to her fingers EVERY day to measure her glucose (blood sugar) levels to ensure she is in the correct range.

For Jada glucose (HIGHS) over 200 are REAL trouble and may include extreme thirst, vomiting, severe headaches and pain, comma and at worst the d-word :(. Glucose numbers under 80 (LOWS) spell REAL trouble also and may include a loss of consciousness, increased heart rate, comma and at worst .. yeah the d-word :(.
On top of everything else, Jada must perform complicated math calculations EVERY DAY and for EVERY meal to determine the ratio of insulin she must give herself. She MUST calculate the exact amount of insulin via a complicated math formula ratio, and then inject insulin EVERY time (via an OmniPod or a needle) into her body, just as millions of others with T1D do to live.

T1D has been a real life changer for Jada. Her pancreas completely lost it's ability to produce natural insulin—a hormone essential to turning food into energy. T1D is not because of diet like what most people think (it's one of those things that the doctor's just haven't fully figured out... yet). That's where JDRF and the support from you comes in to help!
There is no cure (yet) or any known cause for T1D. Jada's life has changed but she is blessed to be alive. Jada and her family pray everyday that a cure is found for the condition, and it seems the doctors and researchers are really close to developing a cure.
Jada is hoping that a cure is found for the many people, like herself, that are currently managing the condition today. She is hoping that with the help of her family and people like YOU, who are pledging support to JDRF, a cure is found within her lifetime.

By making a donation to the #JadasJellyBeans T-shirt fundraiser TODAY, you help Jada and you also help fund research that impacts the lives of the millions of children, adults, and families challenged by T1D every day.
With your support, we will help JDRF turn Type One into Type None.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Own a business or work for a company that looks for groups to sponsor? We'd love to promote your business. Send an email inquiry and your vectored logo before September 1, 2018 to [email redacted]