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Join Jason's Fight Against Cancer

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Jason Fisher, my big brother, is a selfless individual-- always thinking about others and how to help them in any way possible. I am lucky enough to call him my big brother and to be loved unconditionally by him. I know that our family and his fiancé, Lindsey King, all feel the exact same way.  We are blessed! To be honest, most likely all of those that know him would probably say that he is an all around “good guy”… actually “GREAT guy”. Jason, undoubtedly, has the healthiest lifestyle out of most of the 29 year olds that I know. He works full time at No. 246 in Decatur, GA as a Sous Chef. 

A little over a year ago Jason was diagnosed with cancer: a Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor. This rare sarcoma presented itself as a fist sized tumor situated within his pectoral region. Our family was devastated to receive this news but swallowed our fear and went to battle alongside him. He went through 25 rounds of radiation to the area to shrink the tumor before surgical removal. This was necessary because without shrinkage of the tumor, surgery would leave Jason with effected mobility of his upper body. After a long few months, the tumor did decrease in size. In order for the surgical oncologist to remove all of the cancer, surrounding areas of muscle in his pectoral region were taken along with the tumor. Miraculously, Jason still had great mobility of his upper body even though he was left with about 2/3 of the muscle he started out with. Once he was healed from the surgery a scan was completed and Jason was found to be CANCER FREEEE! We all rejoiced, thanked God, and everyone else who made this possible.

I wish the story could end there but Jason was recently diagnosed with the return of the rare MPNST sarcoma.  This time, it is much more serious. The cancer has metastasized (spread throughout his body). Tumors have been discovered in three regions of his bone: one in the rib, one in the pelvis, and one in his spine. The plan thus far is to attack the inoperable tumors first, the pelvic and the spinal tumors, with Stereotactic Radiosurgery and then fight the cancer systemically with Chemotherapy. 

We have a long road ahead of us but we are prepared for battle and ready to fight this battle. Jason begins treatment on March 10th. 

We are asking for help with his medical bills. Anything you can do is GREATLY appreciated. If you cannot help monetarily we are asking for PRAYERS. Now let’s get Jason healthy and cancer FREE!


  • William Heubach
    • $75
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Katie Williams
Decatur, GA
Frank Fisher

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