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Javen’s Jar

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Javen’s Jar is a Go Fund Me account set up to collect donations to help a family lay their sweet, loving eleven year old young boy to rest. As a long time family friend along with the families permission, I am desperately asking for your help with sharing this story and any donation that you could possibly make. Life lessons are meant to be learnt over the course of time but today a multitude of them unfolded in layers, all at once, as I watched as family and friends united and consoled one another today over the tragic end of Javen’s shortly lived life.
In every photo you will see this little boy’s smile light up the room. But the reality is, you never know the amount of pain someone may be holding in their heart. Out of respect for questions that may not ever be answered regarding this loss, my plea for help will not be based on the severity or the series of events that led to his passing.
Instead I will tell you a little about Javen. He was in fifth grade. He was a big brother to Jackson. And Javen and Jackson are the love of their mother, Jessica’s life. The heartbreaking reality is, he will never know just how loved he truly was as there was no need to turn around to see that it was Jessica being consoled by the continuing flow of family and friends, as the sound of a mother’s anquished cry over the loss of her baby is a sound that you cannot unhear. That along with the look on her mother’s face of pure heartache for not being able to take any of the hurt away.
This family is strong in their faith and will lean on each other through this incredibly difficult time. Right now, they are broken and their smiles may never shine quite as bright as they once did.
I am hoping that you will move if you feel moved and help this family.
I am asking that in Javen’s memory we come together and give his life more meaning than his death.
Can we please lessen the difficult times that they are going to face over the next few weeks and months. Any donation you can make is deeply appreciated. Every share is met with gratitude. Thank you and God Bless. Rest in peace sweet boy.


  • Diane Langellier
    • $20
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Stephanie Santos
Swansea, MA
Jacquelyn Haskett-Anfield

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