Jaylen's First Steps
We were introduced Jaylen aka Mr. Muffin Man through social media when he was only months old . His mom Jessica Gooding, our fellow fb sister informed us that Jaylen was born with FACTO, which is a syndrome involving the absence of the tibia and fibula bones.
We were afforded the opportunity to get a glimpse into the world of Jaylen and his family. We have prayed with and for mom as she and her family made daunting and critical decisions in the best interest of our lil Muffin Man! This warrior has been through amputations among other procedures to make his life as productive as possible and it was not without it's share of complications. From pneumonia to heart murmurs to allergic reactions, Jaylen smiled, laughed, cried and waved to us as mom shared videos and pictures of his dr's visits, and informed us of his progress.
Now our warrior is ready for the next step, which is to be fitted for his prosthesis. It is his moms prayer that he is walking by November 12th, which happens to be his birthday. Let's celebrate early!
This is where we come in. Let's continue to take this journey with Jaylen as he takes his FIRST STEPS. Would it not be fitting to provide Jaylen with the essential to continue on improving his quality of life. Lets pool our resources to ensure that he is well endowed with shoes, boots, socks and outfits to get him acclimated to his prosthetic devices. Let's congratulate our little trooper for a job well done and help aid in providing the little things to make this transition as normal and seamless as possible. No donation is is too small or too large. I am sure his family appreciates your words of encourage and prayers as well. Let's give with the hopes that Jessica can focus on getting him adjusted to his new normal while keeping big brother as involved as possible.
Organizer and beneficiary