Singlemom of Autistic 9yr old
Donation protected
Well I honestly dont expect this to work nothing ever does but here goes. I am the single mom(by single I mean we have basically noone ) Of an autistic 9yr old beautiful child.With a few other medical issues(nothing awfully serious but serious enough) I have been through about everything you can think of. Abused as a child, ,fell in love with a man who tryed to kill my unborn child and me. Being a single mom , Having a special needs child . Losing everything our home and my job because of a slumlord. Ending up in a shelter to be moved in goverment housing thats run by corupt people and lived in by people who do drugs and drink and threatened both my child and I. I took my child out of his special needs school 5 yrs ago after he came home with yet another bruise. And the school system here completly failed him. So I homeschool now.As hard as I try its very hard to find work as I work with children and love them dearly because I have my child with me. I would like to give my child a real safe home. The money would be used to find a safe home for my child and everything that includes. Please remember Every little bit helps. But please please donate to those who need it more.
Thank you for reading our story. I am sorry but for safty reasons i cannot post our pics online.Full disclosure our last name was changed for safety.If you can help Thank you if not..I understand completly. Thank you
Love Peace and Hugs
Thank you for reading our story. I am sorry but for safty reasons i cannot post our pics online.Full disclosure our last name was changed for safety.If you can help Thank you if not..I understand completly. Thank you
Love Peace and Hugs
Danielle Henry
Philadelphia, PA