Jeff Walls medical fund
Jeff Walls passed away on May 29th surrounded by his family. With broken hearts, we will continue this fundraiser and all the scheduled events as a memorial to this remarkable man, and to continue to help his family with the overwhelming medical costs of his care.
UPDATE: The generosity and kindness shown by everyone to this campaign defies ordinary praise. It literally determines the hope for a positive outcome for this extraordinary man. A mere "thank you" is woefully deficient, but: THANK YOU! Thank you to everyone who has donated, shared this campaign with others and continues to do so. Let's keep going so Jeff can keep going!
We started with an arbitrary goal which we knew was small because, as we all know, the costs for this kind of care and procedures are fantastically large. It wouldn't be at all surprising if they range far beyond $100000.00 and that's just a guess. That said, we're going to move the goal up to a more realistic level and see what we can do.
Thank you so much to everyone who has and continues to support Jeff and his struggle to recover. I don't have the words to adequately convey our gratitude...
Jeff Walls is a well-known and much beloved guitarist and songwriter originally from Marietta, GA, and known primarily for his roles in the bands Guadalcanal Diary , of which he was co-founder, Hillbilly Frankenstein and The Woggles .
Jeff has been diagnosed with an extremely rare form of pulmonary hypertension known as PVOD: Pulmonary Veno-Occlusive Disease. It is so rare that it only affects one to two people out of ten million. It is caused by progressive blockages of the small capillaries in the lungs. This causes the heart to have to work harder, until eventual heart failure. There is no known medication or treatment.
Causes of PVOD are still unknown, but thought to be the result of gene mutation. The only cure is a double lung transplant. Sometimes an additional heart transplant is also required to truly fix the problem. For patients without the option of transplant, death from heart failure follows the diagnoses by about two years.
Jeff is an extraordinary human being; kind, caring and generous to everyone and dearly loved by fans, friends and family alike. He also happens to be one of the most extraordinary and gifted musicians of our time.
Jeff has been in intensive care for approximately a month, with no clear end in sight. Insurance will not begin to cover the staggering costs of all the procedures he has and will endure, and he and his family will suffer profoundly.
Whether you're friend, family, fan or all-around fine person like Jeff, your donation will help immensely. Thank you very much in advance for your kindness!