Original Oil Painting Restoration
The Sequoyah County Historic Society discovered this original oil painting of Jefferson Davis in one of our display cabinets. We want to preserve the painting by having it restored back to it's original condition.
Anyone who reads the History of Sequoyah County comes to realize that we are a county founded by diverse people. Some of the Cherokees who were removed to Indian Territory prior to 1865 were slave holders who brought their slaves with them. Upon emancipation, these former slaves became Cherokee Freedmen who received allotments and settled in all black communities such as Foreman and Sandtown. Many of the Pioneer families who moved to Indian Territory after the Civil War were confederate veterans. They were moving their families to new lands with the ability to start over after their old lives and lands were in ashes. Jefferson Davis had been a part of their old history.
The Sequoyah County Historic Society appreciates the controversial nature of this project, but out purpose is to preserve history, as it was, to help all of us to understand it and to learn from it. Therefore, we will not engage in debate and we will remove negative comments.