Jeffrey's Fight to Beat Cancer
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Those of you who know my husband Jeffrey, know he rarely says much about himself, as his focus has always been on helping others. Because of this, it breaks my heart to tell you, he now needs your help and support!
on January 1, 2017, this wonderful and loving father, husband and remarkable man, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Prostate Cancer that has spread outside of the prostate gland. The cancer has metastasized throughout his body into the bones and lymph nodes. His spine, rib cage and pelvis were significantly damaged due to the metastized tumors. His condition is extremely rare in someone as young as he is. Currently, there is no cure. Jeffrey has received excellent care from Duke, which we are most appreciative and grateful for.
Due to the severity of his condition, the doctors felt the best strategy was to treat him with a very aggressive and extremely difficult treatment plan; three highly toxic treatments at the same time, in massive doses in hopes to provide relief of pain and prolong his life expectancy. We were advised without this aggressive treatment schedule, Jeffrey would not survive 3 months as there is no cure. We hope, pray and wish upon the stars at night, that one day there will be a cure.
Jeffrey's story of courage really began during the summer of 2016 when he began to easily tire and experienced great pain around his kidney area. The pain would come and go, leading us to belief he might have kidney stones.
In November of 2016, the day before Thanksgiving, the pain returned and it was intense. I called our physician. He saw Jeffrey immediately. The doctor thought was it was a herniated disc and scheduled an MRI for January 3, 2017. In mid-December, the pain in his back increased to the point he could no longer get out of bed. On January 1, 2017, the pain increased again and it was unbearable. Waiting until the scheduled MRI was no longer an option and he was taken to the Emergency Room. Upon our arrival, we met with the ER doctor and he too felt that it was a herniated disc and ordered a CT Scan of Jeffrey’s back. Later that night, after reviewing the scans, the ER doctor advised us they were admitting Jeffrey into the hospital, they believed that he had bone cancer. Over the next several days Jeffrey's days were a whirlwind of doctors and tests, with labs, and constant vitals, multiple biopsies from various places in his body, full body scans, pain protocol, etc. And then, we were advised of the results. In the most delicate and compassionate way they could, the doctor’s advised us to get our affairs in order as Jeffrey had been diagnosed with Stage 4 Prostate Cancer.
Within days, we were introduced to Jeffrey's new "warrior's", his Oncology and Radiation team of specialists. This remarkable team of specialists confirmed Jeffrey had Stage 4 Prostate Cancer which had metastasized into his lymph nodes and bones. They advised Jeffrey’s cancer is very aggressive and it's throughout his entire body. In the attempt to prolong his life, Jeffrey was immediately treated with hormone therapy, radiation therapy and chemotherapy, all in substantial doses. The doctor's felt the more aggressive the treatment plan was, the better the chance Jeffrey’s life expectancy was. We were made aware that the side effects from these treatments would take a toll and alter Jeffrey, both physically and mentally, and that he would never be the same. This program was for six months which, thankfully that phase is complete. We are now into the second phase of his treatment which is experimental. In addition to the hormone therapy and a variety of 17 daily medications, a daily oral chemotherapy drug has been added. Jeffrey will remain on this "cocktail" of medications for the remainder of his life.
While we remain hopeful and optimistic about new treatments to cure cancer, Jeffrey's life has dramatically changed. Weekly activities are now focused around the weekly trips to the hospital for various treatment and tests. Having a career is no longer an option for him. His ability to participate in simple tasks such as writing, has diminished due to the inability to use his hands, cognitive skills and pain. Life changed in "the blink of an eye" for Jeffrey, for his son and our family. I admire Jeffrey's courage to fight and find his unwavering strength and will to live, truly inspiring!
We are thankful and very appreciative for the army of warriors out there ready to help Jeffrey fight this. Please consider donating. Any donation, large or small, will help. We ask that you please share this with anyone who can help.
Thank you in advance for your consideration and/or donation.
on January 1, 2017, this wonderful and loving father, husband and remarkable man, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Prostate Cancer that has spread outside of the prostate gland. The cancer has metastasized throughout his body into the bones and lymph nodes. His spine, rib cage and pelvis were significantly damaged due to the metastized tumors. His condition is extremely rare in someone as young as he is. Currently, there is no cure. Jeffrey has received excellent care from Duke, which we are most appreciative and grateful for.
Due to the severity of his condition, the doctors felt the best strategy was to treat him with a very aggressive and extremely difficult treatment plan; three highly toxic treatments at the same time, in massive doses in hopes to provide relief of pain and prolong his life expectancy. We were advised without this aggressive treatment schedule, Jeffrey would not survive 3 months as there is no cure. We hope, pray and wish upon the stars at night, that one day there will be a cure.
Jeffrey's story of courage really began during the summer of 2016 when he began to easily tire and experienced great pain around his kidney area. The pain would come and go, leading us to belief he might have kidney stones.
In November of 2016, the day before Thanksgiving, the pain returned and it was intense. I called our physician. He saw Jeffrey immediately. The doctor thought was it was a herniated disc and scheduled an MRI for January 3, 2017. In mid-December, the pain in his back increased to the point he could no longer get out of bed. On January 1, 2017, the pain increased again and it was unbearable. Waiting until the scheduled MRI was no longer an option and he was taken to the Emergency Room. Upon our arrival, we met with the ER doctor and he too felt that it was a herniated disc and ordered a CT Scan of Jeffrey’s back. Later that night, after reviewing the scans, the ER doctor advised us they were admitting Jeffrey into the hospital, they believed that he had bone cancer. Over the next several days Jeffrey's days were a whirlwind of doctors and tests, with labs, and constant vitals, multiple biopsies from various places in his body, full body scans, pain protocol, etc. And then, we were advised of the results. In the most delicate and compassionate way they could, the doctor’s advised us to get our affairs in order as Jeffrey had been diagnosed with Stage 4 Prostate Cancer.
Within days, we were introduced to Jeffrey's new "warrior's", his Oncology and Radiation team of specialists. This remarkable team of specialists confirmed Jeffrey had Stage 4 Prostate Cancer which had metastasized into his lymph nodes and bones. They advised Jeffrey’s cancer is very aggressive and it's throughout his entire body. In the attempt to prolong his life, Jeffrey was immediately treated with hormone therapy, radiation therapy and chemotherapy, all in substantial doses. The doctor's felt the more aggressive the treatment plan was, the better the chance Jeffrey’s life expectancy was. We were made aware that the side effects from these treatments would take a toll and alter Jeffrey, both physically and mentally, and that he would never be the same. This program was for six months which, thankfully that phase is complete. We are now into the second phase of his treatment which is experimental. In addition to the hormone therapy and a variety of 17 daily medications, a daily oral chemotherapy drug has been added. Jeffrey will remain on this "cocktail" of medications for the remainder of his life.
While we remain hopeful and optimistic about new treatments to cure cancer, Jeffrey's life has dramatically changed. Weekly activities are now focused around the weekly trips to the hospital for various treatment and tests. Having a career is no longer an option for him. His ability to participate in simple tasks such as writing, has diminished due to the inability to use his hands, cognitive skills and pain. Life changed in "the blink of an eye" for Jeffrey, for his son and our family. I admire Jeffrey's courage to fight and find his unwavering strength and will to live, truly inspiring!
We are thankful and very appreciative for the army of warriors out there ready to help Jeffrey fight this. Please consider donating. Any donation, large or small, will help. We ask that you please share this with anyone who can help.
Thank you in advance for your consideration and/or donation.
Susan Prisco
Wake Forest, NC