Jimmie Sillavan Burial Fund
The VFW Mayaguez Memorial Post 11575 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia wants your help in giving former U.S. Airman, Jimmie Sillavan, a proper burial and assisting his son get his American citizenship.
Jimmie Sillavan died in December of 2015. He left behind his Cambodian wife and their son, Hemmie. They have been unable to give him a proper burial as they can't afford to pay the funeral home bill for storage and cremation services. $1270.
In addition to retrieving his remains and paying proper respects at his burial, our post is prepared to assist with documenting Hemmie's U.S. citizenship and helping with filling for appropriate benefits.
Michael Estep, also a former Airman, has been of great assistance to the family and brought this situation to the VFW's attention a few months ago.
Yesterday, Stars & Stripes published a story by Seth Robson, detailing the situation.
With this new publicity, now seems like the best time to ask our post, our district and anyone else who wants to help make this right, to lend a hand. If you can give $10 or $20, together we can reach our goal.
The first $1270 will be used to pay the funeral home and liberate Jimmie’s ashes.
The remainder will be used to pay funeral expenses and secure Hemmie’s birthright of U.S. citizenship.
Any funds not expended in the above efforts will go to pay his education expenses.
VFW Post 11575 will collect and distribute the funds. A full accounting will be available through the post, upon request.
Any questions or offers of non-monetary assistance can be sent to the post commander, Roy Day, through the comments section.
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