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Missions Trip to Haiti

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I am planning on taking my first missions trip to Haiti in January of 2017. I will be going with my sister, Hannah, and a team of others associated with Parakaleo International. This team of people will be specifically working with national pastors in Haiti. We will be hosting several medical clinics, and a construction team will be working on various church projects. 

I am looking forward to seeing God work in my heart and life as I step out on this missions trip. I need $1200.00 to go on the trip and any additional support will go towards medical supplies. 

While I will be very grateful for any financial assistance, I do treasure your prayers. Please pray that I will be a blessing and that God will use me. Please pray for my family, as Roger works and stays with our children. My sister, Hannah, as well as her husband, Josh are going to Haiti also. My dad is also joining this mission trip and assisting with construction work. I am looking forward to seeing God at work, and we do appreciate both your financial gift and your prayers.


Sarah Prahl Robertson
Warren, ME

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