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John Cotton Candy Man funeral costs

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I am a family member of Sherry VanGeersdale and her husband John VanGeersdale aka. The Cotton Candy Man. I'm raising money for the VanGeersdale family to help pay for the funeral and anyother things she may need due to the sudden death of John who has passed away doing what he loved to do.. Selling his cotton candy at the santa clause parade last night. The VanGeersdale family is such a loving caring family who has done so much for alot of people in many communities. His life was cotton candy and watching how happy kids got getting there candy... This means so much to me because they have given so much for so many with no expectations on getting back from the community. Thank you everyone for taking the time to read about the man who has had such impact on many peoples lives, and helped us give back to the family who has put smiles on each one of the kids faces... geatly appreciated!


  • dave brundritt
    • $100
    • 8 yrs


Kylee Labadie
Wallaceburg, ON

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