Tulsa Native artist, home to heal.
Hey there everyone, my name is John. Thanks more than I can explain for reading and helping where you can. Yeah, I'm the guy who played Henry Frick, hatchet man for Carnegie, in The Men Who Built America.
Secretly, the picture above is me doing the animal rescue thing.
I am a Native Tulsan, Muscogee Creek Indian, Graduate of OU, ACT (San Francisco), Shakespeare & Co., and am blessed to have directly or indirectly saved/found homes for countless shelter animals, strays, elders and injured animals, all species.
But my lifelong passion has always been animal rescue. And teaching. About both. I've included pics of both endeavors and there is no way to compare how full and rich both a life in rescue and in theatre/tv/film have been.
To the point, my herniated disc started like so many others, a slip in an establishment on the eve of a summer acting job. Ironically, the beautiful horse I rode in my latest project finished off my back and I can no longer function, not to rescue, not to act. It's become emergent with the addition of a gall bladder attack.
I have reseached and visited every agency I know and there just isn't, now, any alternative but to reach out and ask for help.
These funds will go to my immediate survival, food, paying bills, etc. I have $60 to my name. The bulk will go to cover medical bills as I expect to go deep out of pocket for the gall bladder surgery and the back treatments/surgery/medications.
I need the smallest part of these funds immediately immediately in order to keep my head above water.
I am doing everything I can to work with charitable organizations, limited as they are in their ministry.
But. I Want. To Work.
I want to rescue, I want to act, I want to teach other actors while secretly recruiting more rescuers! And I want to be able to pay it forward when the time comes.
I want to work. I need your help to do that.
John C. Bailey
Volunteer Animal Rescue Transport