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John Dunlap Medical Fund

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If you know John and Marcia Dunlap, you are blessed to know two of the finest of Christian people who have dedicated their lives to showing love and service to others and being a friend in joyful as well as difficult times.

You will also know that within the past two years John was blinded in a tragic accident that would have led weaker individuals to total despair. But with Marcia as his eyes, this brave couple has continued their lives in trust that God has a purpose and eventually it will be made clear, even in a situation as totally beyond understanding as this tragedy. John continues to go to work daily at the law office of Apperson Crump and the world continues to see smiling faces whenever they see John and Marcia.

Of course at the time of the accident every medical opportunity was pursued in hopes that if John could regain even enough vision for shadows, he could maneuver more easily on his own and not be in total darkness. None of the attempts were successful.

A few months ago they heard about a doctor in Birmingham, Alabama who has a worldwide reputation for dealing with blindness caused by severe trauma. The trip was made with hope, but was disappointing.

Now, once again, through the guidance of a friend there appears to be new hope. This friend recently learned that a doctor who practices in California and had performed numerous successful procedures using stem cell technology to restore partial eyesight would be in Nashville for a short period of time.  Arrangements were made for a visit with John, which proved to be very encouraging. It has given John and Marcia renewed hope, and with the doctor’s sincere enthusiasm, that John would stand a good chance of some restored vision.

Of course, this will be a very expensive procedure and will involve some travel to California.  However, the Doctor has agreed to come to Nashville for the first part of the treatment and would like to start right away.

As a friend, I know that this prospect is as exciting to you as it is to them.

As friends who know them well, we know that they would be there for us, too. Now is our opportunity to help make this procedure possible for John and to open up the hope that he will have a way out of his darkness.

I appeal to you to on their behalf to respond with prayerful and open hearts.


  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Blanche Pope Tosh
Memphis, TN
John Dunlap

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