Jonathan O'Shaughnessy Memorial
Donation protected
We are going on 65 months with NO arrest... why? someone knows the details and WHO! Their family KNOWS WHO! Please speak out! We need you! Thankyou!
UPDATE: In March 2022 - police identified a person who is directly involved in Jonathan's murder. No arrest has been made to date (4/22/2022) - we hope soon for answers to be forth coming. !! We have waited long enough. We need JUSTICE for Jonathan O'Shaughnessy ! we are at 58months of pain - let's get this solved! Please!
Help Us Find Jonathan's Killers! Justice for Jonathan!
You can go to FB page Justice for Jonathan O'Shaughnessy and like, share and follow for more updates and news.....ty
It has been 1 month and we are searching for answers... someone knows something.. Tuesday, August 1, 2017 - we had Night to Unite for Jonathan O'Shaughnessy Candle Vigil. Thank you everyone for the support and love as painful as this was... Our hearts are broken and our lives our incomplete without Jonathan. Please please continue to pray and keep your ears open - someone will brag and tell someone else like their mom or dad, brother, sister, boss and please have the strength to report them to CrimeStoppers or Richfield Police.. You will remain anonymous!!!
On Monday, July 3, 2017 Jonathan O'shaughnessy and family members were walking home from the Richfield City Street Dance. About 11:15pm - a van drove by and open fired 4-5shots - Jonathan was hit with multiple bullets and was pronounced dead at the scene.
Jonathan had NO enemies. He was gunned down in this drive by shooting and this senseless act is a parents worst nightmare. He was only 24 years old and really just starting his life. This is so very very painful. No parent should have to bury their child. My son was my WORLD and my only child. When he walked into the room - his smile would just make you feel so great. He was in the prime of his life and we had so many dreams and future goals. Imagine if this was your child.
There are costs associated with protecting the character, dignity and memory of Jonathan. We also have raised the reward to $50,000 thanks to all the generous donors to help catch his killers; Crime Stoppers is offering up to $4500.00 for the arrest and conviction of who did this to our child. (this is part of the $50,000) No lead is insignificant and you will remain ANONYMOUS!
We apologize that we can't give more details to you about his shooting - we know as much as the police are telling the media.
We hope to continue to raise funds in so that we can continue to keep this tragic senseless story in the news! and NOT FORGOTTEN..
We appreciate your support and thank you for your donations.
A Loving Mother & father with a broken hearts !
City of Richfield Police and Mayor Press Conference 8/3/17 - httsp://youtu.be/d99eXecPong -
Family Press Conference - We need Answers!
Follow us here or on Justice for Jonathan O'Shaughnessy FB page or webpage JusticeforJonathanMN.com
Please read updates for more stories...
2/20/2021 - no answers or arrests! please help us get answers - Someone knows something
8/16/18 - no arrests no answers yet... please help share the story - someone knows something.. thankyou!
2/9/2022 - Jonathan's 29th birthday without answers! Someone knows WHO!
With all the worlds activities and violence - Put Down the Guns!

Cynthia Kuntz
Minneapolis, MN