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Jon Ian medical fund

Spende geschützt
Hey everyone, I really want to thank you for your continued support through this illness but I need another favor from you all. Last June I suffered two heartfelters and I coded twice.(died twice). From there I was in a coma for about 3 1/2 weeks. Once I came to, I spent time learning to walk, read, write, and feed myself. I returned to stay home with my mom ever since to complete my rehabilitation in San Bernardino. I won this part of the battle , But the war continues. Between many months in the hospital, and an additional six months of therapy I have taken on astronomical hospital and rehabilitation expenses. Because of this I can certainly use your help which is why I created this campaign. A donation will help me take care of the hospital, rehab and medication expenses that I've taken on. A donation will be greatly appreciated. I love you all for your support in this. With your continued support we can win this battle together and I will come back better than ever.


  • Debbie Scoviano
    • 40 $
    • 8 Jahre
  • Jeremy Lasman
    • 25 $
    • 8 Jahre
  • Corinna & Ryan W.
    • 50 $
    • 8 Jahre
  • Manny Peeples
    • 50 $
    • 8 Jahre
  • Dwight Blair
    • 25 $
    • 8 Jahre


Jon Ian
Orange, CA

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