Jonnycat Rules, Cancer F Off!
Jonnycat Harbin has cancer. We are raising money to help cover medical expenses and other bills. He starts treatment on February 14th, 2017. As a cab driver, Jonny will be unable to work during treatment. He has Oregon Medicaid but is facing significant out of pocket costs.
“But then they danced down the street like dinglebodies, and I shambled after as I’ve been doing my whole life after people who interest me, because the only ones for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes ‘Awww!’”
This is Jack Kerouac’s description of “holy con-man with the shining mind” Dean Moriarty (aka Neal Cassady) in On the Road. It nails how many of us feel about Portland legend/outlaw/rock-and-roll-maniac/communal-best-friend/genius, Jonny Harbin. Jonny is battling cancer, and while love and prayers are appreciated, they don’t pay the mortgage. Jonny doesn’t live the kind of white-collar life that comes with paid sick leave and short-term disability benefits, and Radio Cabs don’t drive themselves, so please share a few bucks for him. You know he’d do it for you.
Jonny runs a record label. Jonnycat Records is the type of label that puts out that first ripping 7inch that everyone brags about having a year later. Bands like The Observers would not have gone as far without his support. He has always been a supporter of badass female musicians and the real outcast punks. Because Jonnycat Records Rules and Posers Get Lost!
Frosters for Life!!
By Zachary Brooks.....
And while you’re at it, buy some records.
(Over the years, Jonny has been in many bands...
Chemicals, Cyclops, Red Shadows, The Triggers, Black Rebels, The Wolves)
Benefit Shows:
*cash from shows will not be subject to fees and will be inputted as offline donations
2/9/17: Arctic Flowers, Sex Crime, Public Eye at Blackwater (PORTLAND)
2/10/17: Dark/Light, ZZ Narc, Way Worse, William Hart @ Pop Tavern (PORTLAND)
2/11/17: Friends DJing at Star Bar (Portland)
2/12/17: Long Knife, Mean Jeans, The Stops, Sloppy Kisses at Blackwater (PORTLAND)
2/22/17: P.R.O.B.L.E.M.S., Long Knife, Andy Place & The Coolheads at Liquor Store (PORTLAND)
3/12/17: Sex Crime, Suicide Notes, Lovesores at Lombard Pub (PORTLAND)
4/1/17: Observers, Spits, Clorox Girls, Bi-Marks (PORTLAND)
4/5/17: Homies, Nasalrod, Blest Chest at the Know (PORTLAND)
4/7/17: Electric Eye, Fliptops, Dark/Light, Low Culture at High Water Mark (PORTLAND)
4/16/17: Welcome Home Walker, Andy Place and the Coolheads, Mr. Wrong, Way Worse at The Know (PORTLAND)
4/21/17: The Estranged, Lunch, Muscle Dungeon at The Know (PORTLAND)
4/22/17: The World, Pookie & The Poodles, Preening, Soft Tug at The Knockout (SAN FRANCISO)
5/5/17: Defect Defect, Piss Test, Sleepwalkers RIP, Mr. Wrong at The Know (PORTLAND)
5/12/17: Minds, Bloodtypes, Polaroids, Anxieties at The Twilight (PORTLAND)