Joshua Castillo Musico/maestro (Musician/teacher)
Donation protected
Mi nombre es Gineska Castillo, soy la mamá de JOSHUA CASTILLO, un joven Músico venezolano. Actualmente vive y trabaja en New York como músico independiente . Desde muy niño, la Música ha sido su pasión, se ha desarrollado profesionalmente en ella y es su medio de vida. Ha trabajado como Baterista desde hace años, en muchos eventos musicales con diferentes artistas, también tocando y sirviendo en Iglesias Cristianas, desde los 6 años de edad junto a nosotros en el ministerio. Su forma de trabajo es a destajo, cuando requieren de sus servicios, y es por ello que no tiene un trabajo fijo. Actualmente JOSHUA fue sometido a una Intervención Quirúrgica de un Quiste Pilonidal recurrente en el área del cóccix con complicaciones dejando una herida abierta, dicha complicación en parte se debió, a que él no tenía un Seguro Médico que le cubriera la cirugía y la dolencia fue avanzando. Gracias a Dios ya lo operaron a finales de Mayo, y en estos momentos, debido a la operación, se encuentra imposibilitado físicamente para continuar trabajando durante aproximadamente 3 meses ya que no se puede sentar, de acuerdo a lo estipulado por el tratamiento médico, esto es causado por una herida quirúrgica que no puede cerrarse sino que hay que esperar a que cierre sola. Como todos, el también tiene gastos de manutención los cuales debe continuar asumiendo (renta, comida, servicios), y además se suman los gastos fuera de su bolsillo para cubrir curas diarias, materiales de cura para heridas y medicamentos.
Es por ello, que acudo a la generosidad y sensibilidad tanto de mi familia, amigos, conocidos, allegados y a todas aquellas personas, que puedan aportar dando su contribución monetaria para ayudar a mi causa y que se le haga menos pesada, ya que la situación de salud de JOSHUA será temporal con el favor de Dios. Por pequeño que sea tu aporte, sumará y será gratamente recibido. El 100 % de los fondos irán directamente a Joshua para ayudarlo con los gastos y ayudarlo a navegar las semanas difíciles que tiene por delante.
Les damos las gracias a todos por su generosidad y pedimos a Dios que les bendiga con buena salud, paz, libertad y prosperidad. Por favor riega la voz a cualquier persona que pienses que tenga la capacidad y el deseo de soportar este esfuerzo...
Mil Gracias de parte de la familia y de todos aquellos que lo amamos...
My name is Gineska Castillo, I am JOSHUA CASTILLO’s mom, he is a young Venezuelan musician. He currently lives and works in New York as an independent musician. Since he was a child, Music has been his passion, he has developed professionally in it and it is his way of life. He has worked as a drummer for years, in many musical events with different artists, also playing and serving in Christian churches, since he was 6 years old along with us in the ministry. He works freelance, and he does not have a steady job. Currently JOSHUA underwent on a surgical intervention to fix a recurrent pilonidal cyst in the coccyx area with complications, leaving an extensive open wound. this complication was partly due to the fact that he did not have a medical insurance to cover the surgery and the disease was progressing . Thanks to God, he had surgery at the end of May, and at this time, due to the operation, he is physically unable to continue working for approximately 3 months since he can not sit, according to the stipulated by the medical treatment, this is caused by a surgical wound that can not be closed and he has to wait until it closes by itself. Like all of us, JOSHUA also has regular expenses which he must continue to cover (rent, food, services), and he also needs to pay for out-of-pocket expenses to cover daily wound care, wound care materials, medicines and uncovered medical bills.
I come to the generosity and sensitivity of my family, friends, acquaintances, friends and all those who can contribute by giving your monetary contribution to help JOSHUA and make it less burdensome, since the situation of JOSHUA's health will be temporary with God's favor. No matter how small your contribution is, it will add and be pleasantly received. 100% of the funds will go directly to Joshua to assist with expenses and to help him navigate the difficult weeks that lie head.
We thank you all for your generosity and we ask God to bless you with good health, peace, freedom and prosperity. Please spread the word to anyone you think might have the means and desire to support this effort ...
With thanks from the family and all of us who love him….
Es por ello, que acudo a la generosidad y sensibilidad tanto de mi familia, amigos, conocidos, allegados y a todas aquellas personas, que puedan aportar dando su contribución monetaria para ayudar a mi causa y que se le haga menos pesada, ya que la situación de salud de JOSHUA será temporal con el favor de Dios. Por pequeño que sea tu aporte, sumará y será gratamente recibido. El 100 % de los fondos irán directamente a Joshua para ayudarlo con los gastos y ayudarlo a navegar las semanas difíciles que tiene por delante.
Les damos las gracias a todos por su generosidad y pedimos a Dios que les bendiga con buena salud, paz, libertad y prosperidad. Por favor riega la voz a cualquier persona que pienses que tenga la capacidad y el deseo de soportar este esfuerzo...
Mil Gracias de parte de la familia y de todos aquellos que lo amamos...
My name is Gineska Castillo, I am JOSHUA CASTILLO’s mom, he is a young Venezuelan musician. He currently lives and works in New York as an independent musician. Since he was a child, Music has been his passion, he has developed professionally in it and it is his way of life. He has worked as a drummer for years, in many musical events with different artists, also playing and serving in Christian churches, since he was 6 years old along with us in the ministry. He works freelance, and he does not have a steady job. Currently JOSHUA underwent on a surgical intervention to fix a recurrent pilonidal cyst in the coccyx area with complications, leaving an extensive open wound. this complication was partly due to the fact that he did not have a medical insurance to cover the surgery and the disease was progressing . Thanks to God, he had surgery at the end of May, and at this time, due to the operation, he is physically unable to continue working for approximately 3 months since he can not sit, according to the stipulated by the medical treatment, this is caused by a surgical wound that can not be closed and he has to wait until it closes by itself. Like all of us, JOSHUA also has regular expenses which he must continue to cover (rent, food, services), and he also needs to pay for out-of-pocket expenses to cover daily wound care, wound care materials, medicines and uncovered medical bills.
I come to the generosity and sensitivity of my family, friends, acquaintances, friends and all those who can contribute by giving your monetary contribution to help JOSHUA and make it less burdensome, since the situation of JOSHUA's health will be temporary with God's favor. No matter how small your contribution is, it will add and be pleasantly received. 100% of the funds will go directly to Joshua to assist with expenses and to help him navigate the difficult weeks that lie head.
We thank you all for your generosity and we ask God to bless you with good health, peace, freedom and prosperity. Please spread the word to anyone you think might have the means and desire to support this effort ...
With thanks from the family and all of us who love him….
Fundraising team (6)
Gineska Valero de Castillo
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Alex Castillo
Team member
Joshua Castillo
Team member
Magaly Morin De Valero
Team member
Jerjes Valero Gómez
Team member