Joshua Davies
Joshua is 18 years old and has aspergers syndrome, he was attacked by some boys that had been bullying him for 5 years. Joshua was chased and the boys threw stones at him which resulted in him falling from a bridge in Pontypridd.
Joshua is not able to walk as his spine was damaged and he has no feeling in his legs at all.
This page is for Joshua and his family to help them through these tough times and ensure that Joshua is able to recover as well as possible.
In the first image Joshua is 13 and this is when three boys began to bully him.
We know we have hit our original target, however the cost of a special bed for Joshua is £3694.80. Please, please continue to donate as we want to help Joshua on the road to a recovery and his new life. The "donate now" top right of this page will take you to your paypal account. If you do not have an account you are welcome to ask a friend with an account to donate on your behalf, just make sure that you put your name in the message.
From the bottom of our hearts we thank you.
ITV NEWS REPORT video - Joshua Davies.
Joshua loves the cards people send. If you would like to send a card the address is as follows:-
Joshua Davies,
Rookwood Hospital
Fairwater Road
Joshua says thank you. Video.