Judy Ludwig Reiter Memorial
Donation protected
Judy was 51 years old when she passed on
3/25/17 . She was diagnosed with cancer just about 5 years ago. She fought hard to the end and never gave up hope . Judy was married to the love of her life Ray for 24+ years. Judy was a mother to 4 amazing, hard working children, Benita 23, Samantha 19, James 18, and Dustin 16. Judy graduated from Western Governor's University in 2016. After high school and one semester of college, she enlisted in the coast Guard and earned the rank of Boatswain mate . Judy was honorably discharged after 5 years and the birth of her first child . Judy owned and ran Reiter Title Agency in Michican until she had to retire for medical reasons. Judy was the first female firefighter in her home town of Ho-Ho-Kus , NJ. She was a volunteer in many areas of her life. She really loved being involved in the softball and baseball leagues in Cheboygan, MI. She was a loving wife and mother, daughter and sister. She will be dearly missed. We would like to give Judy and her family a memorial service and a final resting place that she deserves. Any assistance you can give would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
3/25/17 . She was diagnosed with cancer just about 5 years ago. She fought hard to the end and never gave up hope . Judy was married to the love of her life Ray for 24+ years. Judy was a mother to 4 amazing, hard working children, Benita 23, Samantha 19, James 18, and Dustin 16. Judy graduated from Western Governor's University in 2016. After high school and one semester of college, she enlisted in the coast Guard and earned the rank of Boatswain mate . Judy was honorably discharged after 5 years and the birth of her first child . Judy owned and ran Reiter Title Agency in Michican until she had to retire for medical reasons. Judy was the first female firefighter in her home town of Ho-Ho-Kus , NJ. She was a volunteer in many areas of her life. She really loved being involved in the softball and baseball leagues in Cheboygan, MI. She was a loving wife and mother, daughter and sister. She will be dearly missed. We would like to give Judy and her family a memorial service and a final resting place that she deserves. Any assistance you can give would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Organizer and beneficiary
Trish Killion Ludwig
Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ
Raymond Reiter