Judy Galle Seymour/Funeral Expences
This account is set up for Judy Galle Seymour of Biloxi, MS. A loving wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, and friend to many. She, a non-smoker, was diagnosed with NSCLC stage 3 Lung cancer involving her right lower lobe and three lymph nodes, determined inoperable in July of 2013. She is now at Stage 4 Lung cancer distant recurrence-metastasis to Adrenal Gland.
Her fight with cancer has been ongoing for almost two years. Unitl now, we (her immediate family) have never had a fundraiser or asked for any monetary donations. All she has ever requested are PRAYERS. Unfortunately, with all of her growing medical bills, we see that it is getting pretty overwhelming for her and our dad, her loving husband of 44 years. He is her primary caregiver who never leaves her side. He is her best friend, her soul mate, her everything. We would like to take some of this burden from them so she can stay focused on her fight with cancer and not have to be so overwhelmed with medical bills. This page has been set up to help them. Any donation, no matter how small, will help. Every cent will be directly given to Judy and will be used for her medical bills; Co-pays for Dr. appointments (Oncologist, Heart Specialist, Neurologist, Endocronologist, Radiologist, etc.), precriptions (40 plus), emergency room visits, hospital stays, biopsy's, CT Scans, PET Scans, bloodwork.....and on and on and on. If it's this overwhelming for me to think about, I can't imagine how it is for her while she is so sick. I feel guilty for not setting a fundraising page up sooner.
We sincerely appreciate everyone who takes the time to read about her journey "LIVING" with cancer and Fighting Pretty:
After her initial diagnosis, she had 39 daily radiation treatments, 7 rounds of IV Chemo (three drugs) all at the same time. She had her Thyroid removed due to a "suspicious spot", it ended up being cancer. After this long batttle, she was Blessed with several joyous weeks of remission!!!! Then......the cancer came back. Not only in her lung , but in her Adrenal Gland as well. She is Blessed that her lymph nodes remain in remission.
Her diagnosis: Stage 4 - Distant Recurrence Lung Cancer-metastasis to the Adrenal Gland. Because she had her lifetime limit of radiation, she would have her second go around with IV Chemotherapy (2 drugs) 6 treatments! Because of the massive dosage, each treatment was grueling and caused severe side effects. Each time her Dr. told her it was OK if she needed to stop but each time she said NO! She pressed on until her very last treatment when it became too much for her body to handle. With Dr's. orders, her last treatment was cut short.
After this second bout, the chemo could not keep the cancer at bay. She was put on Tarceva, a chemo maintenance pill, for 3 months and she has had 5 cyber-knife treatments to the tumor on her lung. She has been taken off of the Tarceva to give her body a break from all the toxins from treatment. We are now waiting for more Dr's visits; a Heart Specialist to find the cause of her low blood pressure, which will hopefully stop her from falling. She will also see a Neurologist to help with her body tremmors.
As she is with everything in her life, she has gone above and beyond....enduring the horrific side effects of chemo and radiation with Faith, Hope, Grace and Beauty. She has impressed everyone, including her Doctors, with her STRONG will to win this battle, her POSITIVE attitude, and most importantly, her NEVER ENDING FAITH that "God Has This".
Anyone who knows Judy Galle Seymour knows how kind she is and what a beautiful soul she has.
From the bottom of our hearts, with gratitude and thanks, we truly appreciate everyones Prayers and Support.
Jennifer & Aaron Wines, Sonny & Ashley Seymour, Reaghan & BJ Swain. (Judy's children and spouses).