Justice4 Montell And Jayden
August 13th, 2016 My son Montell Ross(8) and nephew Jayden Ugwuh(9) were shot and killed at our home, my 16 year old was grazed with a bullet as well! My family and I are checking and trying any and every way to bring Justice for the boys were fresh in their new school year and excited about the new adventures they were going to experience this school year, but all that changed for them and our entire family. Their lives were innocent and taken away due to an unknown source and motives. So we are taking action and trying to raise money for an Reward, in hopes someone will speak up for our sons! So I am asking for HELP!!!!! PLEASE help we are in need of support from not only this city, but the entire world. Thanks in advance to all and please keep us in your prayers........
Luke 18:7
1 Thess. 5:17