Justice for Area 12
This Go Fund Me was set up to assist the Longleaf/Ellington communities, known as "Area 12," in litigation against the Pasco County School Board, in relation to the West Side School Rezoning process. The current process in which boundary lines are drawn is flawed, admitted by the Superintendent himself. No efforts have been made to correct this admittedly flawed process. "Area 12" has been the only established community selected to be rezoned from the highest capacity school to the second highest capacity school. This did nothing to accomplish the stated goal to fill under capacity schools in the selected rezone area. Our community is asking for support to request that the school board do the right thing and legitimize the process in which the school boundaries are drawn. The money from this fund will be used first in any litigation procedings. The possibly exists that the Longleaf residents will contribute financially, through the Longleaf Neighborhood Association, to this litigation. A neighborhood vote is pending and results will be finalized at the next LNA meeting, February 9th. In the event that the School Board votes in the favor of Area 12 at the School Board meeting on Jan. 17th, these funds will be contributed to the already incurred expenses. Disclaimer: contributions will not make the contributor a plaintiff or client in the litigation and will not entitle the contributors to any decision making authority with regard to the litigation.