Justin Adams for Ward 3 Minneapolis
I'm Justin Adams, and I'm running for Minneapolis City Council in Ward 3. I'm seeking DFL endorsement to fight, united with progressives, in a revolution for real social justice, real economic justice, and real democracy. Together we can win. But I need your support.
I believe Minneapolis residents want to do more, and I believe that together, we will do more. We will enact a livable wage ordinance. We will demand a culture of accountability and community engagement within our police department and across the city enterprise. We will continue with increased urgency to build on city efforts to inform, engage, and empower its residents.
Public service that empowers regular citizens has been my life work. I served as the full-time election administrator responsible for absentee voting in Minneapolis in 2015-2016 and have made a career of public service, working in human services, elections, and community corrections. I've built strong relationships with elected officials, government professionals, and community leaders across the city, region, and state.
Together we have worked tirelessly to expand early voting, improve voter registration, and to inform, empower and engage all of the residents and diverse communities of Minneapolis. I want to take this work further by improving campaign finance laws, by funding outreach efforts to achieve 100% voter registration, and by placing before Minneapolis voters a charter amendment that would provide Minneapolis residents with unprescidented power to pass laws through a ballot initiative process.
My passion for this work is demonstrated by my public service career and by my more than 10 years of community organizing and electoral activism focused on local solutions. With your support, I can continue this work and help to move an agenda of political, economic, and social justice forward in our city.
Please make a small donation to my campaign today.
Thank you for your support
P.S. Candidates for this office are legally permitted to accept contributions of up to $600 from an individual donor in an election year, but this campaign will return any contribution in excess of $100.
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Justin C. Adams