Care for a kitty colony
We live in a family of cats. My girlfriend and I were adopted by a family of feral cats nearly 4 years ago. As their humans we are required to feed, groom and care for them when they are sick. Two years ago I had extensivly photographed this family of felines and the work had been published by the New York Times, FeatureShoot, Slate and a number of online publications. During this time, all of our cats were spayed and neutered by Cats Anonymous, a local TNR (Trap Neuter Release) organization. However being their humans means our work is never ending. In the last two years our vet bills have accumulated to over $2,000 and we now have a cat that must eat a presciption diet that costs nearly $40 for a 7 pound bag of food. These costs aside, each week we must also buy 22lbs (10kg) of food and 40lbs (18kg) of litter. As you can guess, caring for the cats costs us a considerable amount of money each week. We not only owe money for past vet visits, we're also behind in other areas of life as well. So we would like to ask you to please consider donating to help us cover to costs of caring for this family of felines while we work to catch up on the other areas we're behind in, namely rent.
Thank you for your consideration,
Jason, Kayla and the kitties
My Feral Family on JasonHouge.com