Please Help Me Keep My Dream Alive
Well, worse came to worst, I was evicted on Tuesday. I may have found another shop, cheap too, but I can only come up with one month's rent, and Id need first and last to get the place.
I'm currently staying with friends, and doing my best to come up with some more money. Neither of the cars I was trying to sell have sold yet, and I can't show them or sell them when I'm locked out of the old shop.
Thankfully, the goal for a month's rent is pretty low, especially with the current donations.
I'm less than 650$ from my goal, any help is appreciated, even if you just share the link. Thanks in advance everyone's.
My name is Chris, i'm a nerd, a car fiend, and a bit of a dork. I'm currently living in a strange industrial space. an old tractor dealership to be precise. I have a small 250sqft apartment at the back of the shop, I have a very friendly orange kitten, I am surrounded by projects and the things I love, I'm in the process of starting a business to perform performance modifications on cars, and I've been talking to my first prospective customer.
This is all genuinely one of my biggest dreams come true. i've been renting the place for a little over a year and a half now, doing some work on the side to pay bills and keep myself afloat. I couldn't have been happier.
Until three days ago.
You see, since renting the shop, I hadn't received a single electrical bill from my landlord. I asked for it every month when I paid him the rent, he continuously told me he'd email it to me, or have it for me next month, but I never got it. I knew it was getting up there in price, since I'd had to heat the mini-apartment with electricity over the 4 months of cold weather Ontario had this year. So, I made an agreement with the landlord, to slowly pay it off, even if I didn't know how much I owed. Things seemed to be ok, but i was foolish, and didn't get this payment agreement in writing.
On Friday, the landlord arrived with notice papers in hand showing how much i owed him. $5636.64CDN (4,436.88 USD), to be paid before the end of the month, or he'll start the eviction process.
Everything I have that's worth anything is now for sale, the projects, the parts, everything. I've approached banks about a loan, but was denied due to poor credit. I've spoken to family, but their own financial issues prevent them from helping. A very good friend of mine, Paul, is doing his best to help, i'm using his ebay account to sell a couple things he donated to me, along with a few tool parts i have, i'll post them in an update later today or tomorrow. I've got my meagre selection of car projects up on classifieds, including 2 vintage Mercedes S-Class cars, and a one-of-one fiberglass kit car body, both of which i'll also post links to.
But with only two weeks to somehow come up with $5600CDN, I don't know what else to do. So i'm here asking for help. i'm not foolish, like i said, everything that's worth anything is up for sale right now, but I don't know if they'll sell in time.
If something sells, I'll update the goal to reflect that sale.
Any and all funds raised will go directly to my landlord in an attempt to stave off eviction, and keep the dream alive.
I don't expect a miracle, but any kind of help is appreciated, even if it's just to share the link to this gofundme.
Thank you very much for your time.
TLDR; I'm currently starting to live out my dreams of owning and living in a shop and working on cars, but my landlord surprised me with a year and a half worth of electricity bills all at once, despite a verbal agreement to take payments for it over time. I have two weeks to save my dream from eviction, please help me.